

    Astronauts Prepare for Second Spacewalk, New Baby

    Astronaut Randy Bresnik may be expecting his wife Rebecca to give birth, but that hasn't shaken his focus for a planned spacewalk outside the International Space Station today to install new video antennas and other equipment. Bresnik and crewmate Mike Foreman plan to venture outside the...

    Birth of Astronaut's Daughter Delayed

    NASA has joined astronaut Randy Bresnik, who is in orbit now, in the waiting game for the birth his daughter, just one day before the spaceflyer is poised to make his first spacewalk. "There's no word yet," space station flight director Brian Smith told reporters late Friday. Bresnik is flying...

    Astronauts Unfazed by False Alarms in Space

    Astronauts on the linked shuttle Atlantis and International Space Station said Friday that they're not worried about recent false alarms that disrupted their sleep with erroneous reports of calamity. "I think they're still trying to get the full comprehensive story together," Atlantis commander...

    Astronauts step out on 1st spacewalk of mission

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – A pair of astronauts ventured out on the first spacewalk of their shuttle mission Thursday to tackle some antenna and cable work at the International Space Station. The linked shuttle-station was soaring over South America when Michael Foreman and Dr. Robert Satcher Jr...

    Astronauts Gear Up for First Spacewalk

    Two astronauts will step out of the International Space Station today on the first of three spacewalks to stock the orbiting lab with spare parts. Veteran spacewalker Mike Foreman and rookie astronaut Bobby Satcher plan to exit the station at 9:18 a.m. EST (1418 GMT). The two NASA spaceflyers...

    Shuttle Atlantis docks with space station

    WASHINGTON (AFP) – The space shuttle Atlantis successfully docked Wednesday with the International Space Station and the hatch separating the crews was opened for the traditional welcoming ceremony, NASA said. The shuttle and its six astronauts left Florida's Kennedy Space Center without a...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Baby, Young, Mature, Old Souls ... Michael Teachings

    BABY SOULS 6TH LEVEL: Ayatollah Khomeini YOUNG SOULS 3RD LEVEL: John Calvin, Ivan the Terrible 4TH LEVEL: Catherine the Great of Russia, Hector Berioz, St. Dominic, Handel, Chopin, Ronald Reagan 5TH LEVEL: 6TH LEVEL: Joan of Arc, Oliver Cromwell, King Charles I of England, Claudius...
  8. Unhypnotized

    UFO Video: Out Of the Blue

    Astronauts, generals, top officials reveal major UFO cover-up.
  9. New UFO Hunter

    Are we alone?? Best documentary on UFO...

    Amazing Documentery on this Subject...A must watch... Best UFO video documentary By far the best documentary on UFOs available with the best UFO video footage is the astounding Sci-Fi Channel documentary Out of the Blue. In addition to the captivating UFO footage, this excellent documentary...
  10. CASPER

    Space shuttle Atlantis lifts off on supply mission

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – With 100 Internet-savvy NASA fans cheering on the shuttle and churning out constant Twitter updates, Atlantis sailed smoothly into orbit Monday with six astronauts and a full load of spare parts for the International Space Station. The supply run should keep the space...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Thrilling discovery: Lots of water on moon

    LOS ANGELES—Suddenly, the moon looks exciting again. It has lots of water, scientists said Friday (Saturday in Manila)—a thrilling discovery that sent a ripple of hope for a future astronaut outpost in a place that has always seemed barren and inhospitable. Experts have long suspected there...
  12. CASPER

    NASA to Subject Monkeys to Radiation

    NASA plans to subject a group of monkeys to radiation to study what might happen to humans on long-term space missions, such as trips to the moon and Mars. The research is the first time in decades that NASA has performed tests on primates, though the agency famously relied on the close human...
  13. CASPER

    Space Station Gets New Russian Module

    Astronauts on the International Space Station welcomed the arrival of a brand-new Russian module Thursday, an orbital room adds more research space and an extra parking spot for visiting spacecraft. The unmanned module Poisk, which means "explore" in Russian, docked smoothly at a berth on top...
  14. CASPER

    Broken Urine Recycler May Affect Space Mission

    A broken device that recycles astronaut urine into clean drinking water on the International Space Station may have a slight impact to life onboard next week when NASA's shuttle Atlantis arrives to boost the number of people there to 12. Any impact would likely pertain to things like digging...
  15. CASPER

    Space Shuttle On Track for Monday Launch

    NASA is on track to launch the space shuttle Atlantis on Monday, but only if an unmanned rocket lifts off early Saturday as planned. Six astronauts are slated to lift off aboard the shuttle on Nov. 16 at 2:28 p.m. EST (1928 GMT) from Launch Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral...