
  1. Denise

    Is the (Yeti) nesting in Siberia (Proof) Legendary Creature exists..?

    Is the Yeti nesting in Siberia? Strange twisted tree arches 'prove legendary creature exists' Twisted branches found in Kemerovo region could finally prove Yeti is no longer the stuff of legends. By Lucy Buckland 15th November 2011 Hunters are claiming they have discovered the nest of a...
  2. R

    Condi Rice: ‘I’ve a deep affinity with Israel’

    Former US secretary of state, Dr. Condoleeza Rice visited Israel in 2000 for the first time. Later she gave an interview to Israeli daily Yediot Aharnot saying she “already then felt that I am returning home despite the fact that this was a place I never visited”. She also told the daily, “I...
  3. 100th Monkey

    The Mind Control of Britney Spears - mkultra

    Mind Control 1/2 Britney Spears Mind Control 2/2 (Britney Spears)
  4. R

    Israel: ‘Hamas has Qaddafi’s missiles’

    Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported on October 27, 2011 that large numbers of high quality Russian-made anti-missiles looted from Libyan army storage facilities by the pro-US rebels fighting along with National Transitional Council (NTC) have been sold to Palestinian Islamic Resistance Hamas. “The...
  5. R

    Libya after Qaddafi

    The UN Security Council has given ‘fatwa’ that NATO’s ‘no-fly zone’ over Libya be lifted as the western invaders have declared ‘Mission Accomplished’. The morally sickos like US Secretary of State, Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton, showed her pleasure at the ‘cowboy-style’ lynching of Muammar...
  6. R

    Thomas Jefferson’s Holy Qur’an

    America’s third President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) was the principal author of Declaraion of Independence (1776) and the Statute of Viginia for Religious Freedom (1977). Jefferson was also considered the founder of the Library of Congress (Jefferson Building), which holds more than 140...
  7. R

    2012 London Olympics and Mossad

    Early this year, Tehran had threatened to boycott 2012 London Olympics due to games’ objectionable official logo which looks like the word ‘ZION’ instead of ’2012′. However, as it stands now, Iranian atheletes may be competing in the event. The British government has allocated nearly one...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    Encounter With Anunnaki Goddesses - DNA Evidence & Polygraph Test Passed

    In this clip from the documentary "My Mum Talks to Aliens", DNA and polygraph tests prove that an average blue-collar British family man had an encounter with naked Anunnaki females. "...the worlds first PCR (polymerase Chain Reaction) DNA profiling of a biological material implicated in a...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    ET filmed in Brazil rainforest! Amazing!

    COULD this picture taken in the Amazon rainforest be the clearest proof yet that aliens exist? The snap - taken from a video filmed by two British tourists - appears to show a small alien-like creature arching its back as it stands next to a tree in the Amazon jungle. In the corner of the...
  10. R

    ‘Israel-First’ UK Defense Minister forced to resign

    British Foreign Secretary, Dr. Liam Fox 50, resigned on Friday over scandal with his long-time gayfriend Adam Werritty 34. Werritty, later served Fox’s best man at Fox’s 2005 marriage to Dr. Jesme Baird. British Prime Minister, Israel-Firster David Cameron has appointed millionaire Dr. Philip...
  11. R

    British activist stopped entering Canada

    British activist stopped entering Canada | Rehmat's World
  12. New UFO Hunter

    Secret Access: UFO's on the Record

    The film features in-depth accounts by people who are willing to risk their jobs and reputations to speak out about their extraordinary experiences, such as former Arizona Governor Fife Symington III; Nick Pope, former head of the British Defense Ministry's UFO Investigative Unit, and others...
  13. Denise

    Profound NDE of Anita Moorjani

    Anita was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and doctors told her family she was just hours away from death. It was at this point that she "crossed over" and then returned again into this world with a clearer understanding of her life and purpose on earth. This understanding subsequently led to...
  14. New UFO Hunter

    Farmers Say UFOs Destroying Crops: Global Food Supplies Under Assault

    With so many reports of UFOs in farm country, what is the real reason the feds want to drive farmers off their land into the cities. Could it be that aliens have targeted our agriculture resources? What better way to defeat a species than manipulate its food supply? South American farmers...
  15. R

    John Harris - It's an illusion Part 1 to 5

    John Harris - It's an illusion Part 1 to 5 full version link as well.. Filmed at the "Lawful Rebellion" Conference, The British Constiution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January 2009. Source: Full version here:
  16. Denise

    Irish pensioner dies from 'Spontaneous Combustion' Human Candle?

    OAP dies of 'spontaneous human combustion' in his sitting room: Coroner records first ever case in Ireland Only scorch marks on ceiling and floor where he was standing Mysterious death mirrored Krook's in Bleak House 23rd September 2011 A baffled coroner has ruled that a man who burned to...
  17. R

    Canada: ‘Even our oil has ethics’

    Alykhan Velshi, is assistant to Canadian PM Stephen Harper’s minister of citizenship and immigration, Jason Kenney. Jason banned British MP George Galloway in March 2009 from entering Canada for supporting Palestinian cause. Last year Kenney refused to allow Dr. Zakir Naik, an Islamic scholar...
  18. R

    Ahmadinejad spoke like ‘Prophet of Peace’

    “Iranian President sounds more like a Pope than Benedict XVI,” Joanna Francis, an American Catholic writer and blogger, September 21, 2006. Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, delivered a speech at the UN General Assembly on Thursday. As expected, he won the hearts of the oppressed...
  19. R

    Sept. 11 and BBC’s ‘Conspiracy Roadtrip’

    Sept. 11 and BBC’s ‘Conspiracy Roadtrip’ | Rehmat's World Israelis are known for marketing their version of Holocaust via pornography. Similarly, this year, British Broadcasting Company’s Jews took five non-believers of 9/11 official story on a 8-day journey across the east coast of United...
  20. R

    Palestinian State and Israeli Hasbara

    “Americans make false promises to the world, which, in their own desperate hopes the world accepts at face value. These promises never come true, as with the treaties with the Indians. Every single one was broken,” John Kaminski, an American writer, Sept.9, 2011. The ‘world crisis’ scenario...