
  1. D

    Biological Attack To Create Widespread FEMA Quarantine

    Camp Krome, Florida — A biological attack in the near future will lead to widespread FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) camp quarantine.
  2. 100th Monkey

    FEMA camp documents leaked with video and the documents PDF

    More proof that these camp are real:
  3. R

    The Holocaust Hoax Stories

    Do you remember the holy Anne Frank diary, portions of which were written with ball point pen? These pens were not in used during the time Anne lived! How many readers remember story of the “Diamond Girl”, Irene Weisberg Zisblatt, who swallowed, retrieved, swallowed and retrieved diamonds for...
  4. R

    Mainstream television reports on Michael Jackson instead of the world’s largest refug

    Mainstream television reports on Michael Jackson instead of the world’s largest refugee camp June 26th, 2009 in Breaking News, Mind Control, World Alerts ASSOCIATED PRESS DADAAB, Kenya – The bloody conflict in Somalia has created the world’s largest refugee camp, with 500 hungry and exhausted...