
  1. R

    Canadian Bishop: “Jews are enemies of the Church”!

    On January 8, American Jewish lobby group ADL blasted Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), as an “unrepentant antisemite” in response to Bishop’s remarks that “Jewiah people are enemies of the church”. “Bishop Fellay has shown his true colors as an...
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    Egyptian approve ‘Islamic Constitution’, really!

    On Tuesday, the civilized world was shocked to learn that 63.8% Egyptian voters said yes to president Morsi’s blessed Islamic Consitution based on horrible Biblical punishments and Talmudic racism against non-Muslims with no freedom of speech as per American Hate Law. Yes sir, you heard me...
  3. Lady of Light

    [Attention] Merry Christmas 2012 From Lady of Light and Unhypnotize

    Merry Christmas everyone! Just to point out, I’m not pushing the Christmas thing to be some sort of religion specific shun everyone else thing. It’s just because I was raised Catholic and most of the people that I know celebrate Christmas, so it is in me to only really KNOW Christmas and go...
  4. R

    Syrian rebel leader’s love for Israel

    The armed Syrian opposition hosted lately Israeli Channel 2 on Syrian territories, and helped its reporter Itay Engel prepare a long report that included investigations, interviews, and footage shot in their camps and regions they took control over. A Syrian opposition leader told the Israeli...
  5. R

    Hollande: ‘Nuclear Iran is threat to the entire world’

    Yesterday, French president Francois Hollande, who claims to be a non-practicing Jew – met Saudi King Abdullah and discussed Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. After the meeting, Hollande told reporters that Tehran’s will to “access nuclear weapons” was seen as “a threat to the entire region and...
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    Top Israel-Firster Jews endorse Obama

    Readers of this blog may be surprised to learn that some of the top Jewish Islamophobes and Iran-haters who have been blasting Barack Obama for years for throwing Israel under the bus - has recently endorsed Obama for the next term. The list includes: 1. Former New York Mayor Edward Irving Koch...
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    Bishop Sizer chased by British Israel Lobby

    The Board of Deputies of British Jews, an umbrella body of pro-Israel Jewish organizations including some members of British parliament, have lodged a complaint with the Anglican church officials against Bishop Stephen Sizer of the Anglican Christ Church in Virginia Water, Surrey. The Jewish...
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    Pope Knighted the ‘most Jewish Catholic’ paedophile

    Last week, the head of Catholic Church in Britain requested the Vatican’s permission to remove posthmously Papal Knighthood awarded to the Zionist-controlled BBC television presenter, Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile (1926-2011), by Pope John Paul II in 1990 for charity work. It’s reported that...
  9. R

    Venezuela: Iran wins, Israel loses

    On October 7, pro-Iran Venezuelan incumbent president Hugo Chavez was declared re-elected by defeating his pro-Israel Crypto-Jewish opponent Henrique Capriles Radonski by 54.66% to 44.47% votes. “Because of my mother and grandmother, for Jews I’m Jewish, but I’m Catholic,” Capriles told JTA...
  10. R

    Lobby: ‘Jews don’t control Mitt Romney’

    Personally, I believe it will make no difference to the Muslim world who wins the American presidential election in November 2012. Because both Obama and Romney are the two faces of the same Israeli coin. Maureen Dowd, a long time columnist with the New York Times, is under fire from Jewish...
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    Ahmadinejad and the Zionists’ ‘Outrage Campaign’

    “Ahmadinejad speaks like a Pope more than Pope Benedict XVI,” Joanna Francis, an American Catholic blogger and women’s rights activist. “Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya murdered earlier today, was a martyre to Zionist attempts to draw the US into war with Iran,” Henry Makow PhD...
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    Pope Benedict XVI and Israeli Christians

    On Friday 14 September Pope Benedict XVI will land at the Rafik Hariri international airport in Beirut. Following the welcome ceremony, he will travel to Basilica of St. Paul in Harissa. A Vatican statement says that the Pope will use his first visit to the country to promote co-existence by...
  13. R

    Jews: ‘Jesus is a monkey’

    On Monday, Christian worshippers, once again, found another proof of Jewish hatred toward Jesus, Mary and Christians. They found anti-Christ slogan “Jesus is a monkey” written at the Catholic monastery at Latrun and the front door set on fire. The Israel police has blamed the extremist Jewish...
  14. R

    John Galliano stripped off ‘Legion of Honor medal’

    Former chief designer of Christian Dior, the French fashion empire, John Gilliano, has been ordered not to wear French Legion of Honor medal awarded to him in 2009 by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (born to a Jewish mother and Catholic father), by the French Jewish President Francois...
  15. R

    600 Rabbis declare Obama ‘kosher’!

    The campaign to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama is becoming more ‘Jewish’ every passing day. Obama’s campaign office has just released a list which shows that nearly 600 Rabbis support Obama for re-election in November 2012. Ten of them happens to be among the Newsweek’s ’2012 America’s top top 50...
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    Muslim France

    “By the end of the 18th century, relationships with the Muslim world were so common as to have become banal. People walked about Paris not even blinking when they saw someone wearing a turban, because they were so used to it,” says Ian Calder, a history professor and author of 2009 book, ‘Arab...
  17. R

    Rep. Bachmann: ‘MB has infiltrated US government’

    US Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann has dropped her dirty Zionist skirt once again. Lately Bachmann and her four Israel-Firster friends (Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Tom Rooney and Rep. Lynn Westmoreland) have asked Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, State...
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    Why Yasser Arafat is back in news?

    “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War,” Israeli Mossad’s motto. The recent the pro-USrael Al-Jazeera investigation into the death of PLO president Yasser Arafat (d. 2004), has claimed that Arafat could have been poisoned using elevated levels of a radioactive isotope (Polonium 210) found in...
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    Church of the Nativity in UNESCO: Israel Lobby frets

    UNESCO voted on Friday to include the Church of the Nativity in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem in its list of World Heritage Sites. The decision was announced during a meeting of UNESCO delegates in St. Petersburg. Thirteen members of the 21-strong World Heritage Committee supported the...
  20. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford, June 26, 2012

    It has become impossible for the cabal to hide the truth; they are being defeated Benjamin Fulford, June 26, 2012 Last week the cabal controlled media in the West tried to pretend the Rio summit was a failure even though $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight poverty and...