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    Mumbai: The miracle of the ‘weeping Cross’

    Mumbai police is investigating blasphemy charges filed against Sanal Edamaruku by the city’s Catholic community leaders for insulting a recent Jesus’ miracle. Since March 2012, thousands of Catholic devotees have been visiting the Church of Our Lady of Velankanni in Vile Parle, Mumbai to witness...
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    Pope Benedict XVI to visit Lebanon

    Pope Benedict XVI, who was called ‘Zionist Double Agent‘ by American Catholic blogger and women rights activist Joanna Francis in her September 19, 2006 blog post – is due to visit Lebanon September 14-16, 2012 on the invitation of Lebanon’s Muslim Prime Minister Najib Mikati. Pope Benedict XVI...
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    French Muslim philosopher Roger Garaudy dies

    French socialist thinker, politician, writer and author of 60 books on history, religion and Communism – Roger Garaudy (1913-2012) died in Paris on June 15, 2012. “Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raji’un” (To Allah we belong and to Him is our retun). Roger Garaudy was author of book, The Founding...
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    Talmud goes Arabic – Jewish groups hit ‘The Wall’

    Several pro-Israel Jewish groups lead by Abraham Foxman have urged Jordanian government to take action to ensure that the recent Arabic translation of Jewish Talmud is not used to teach hatred of Jews and Israel among the Arabs. A group of some 90 Jordanian Muslim and Christian scholars and...
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    ‘Israel’s Right To Exist,’ Really!

    French Catholic Pastor Abbe Pierre (d. 2007) was a member of French resistance against Nazis. He was honored both in France and Quebec for his religious and political views. However, he was hounded by the powerful French Jewish lobby groups for believing that European Jews have no right to...
  6. Truth Vibrations

    Hitler's Escape - Coast to Coast AM 13.5.2012 - with author Peter Levenda

    Yet another Hitler Conspiracy: Peter Levenda is a well known author of books on the Nazi's, Manson, and Freemasonry. We talk about the secret space program, Nazi involvement with NASA. Sinister Forces, the Manson murders. We also discuss "coincidence" and synchronicity. Also the assassination...
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    Muslims invade Mexico!

    In March 2012 – hawkish Israel lobby group, JINSA, took a group of American Latino leaders on its second fully-paid 6-day annual trip to Israel as part of Latino-Jewish Alliance. The purpose of the trip is to fool the Catholic Latino commuities that the Palestinian Christians enjoy total...
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    Omar Sharif Jr: ‘I’m Jewish, gay and Egyptian’

    The elder grandson of legendary Egyptian actor Omar Sharif – American model/actor Omer Sharif Jr. (born 1983 in Montreal) in an article in gay publication, The Advocate, published on March 16, 2012 has claimed that not only he is gay but also born to a Jewish mother – making him fully Jewish...
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    Lebanon: ‘Feltman and Lieberman on Israeli mission’

    Today, the radical Zionist Jew Jeffrey Felton, US Assisstant Secretary of State for Near Estern Affairs completes his 3-day visit to Lebanon. As former US ambassador to Lebanon (2004-08), the ‘shill of Israel’, Feltman was able to corrupt many politicians and sectarian groups. His current trip...
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    Lobby: ‘Sarkozy’s defeat is Iran’s victory’

    Richard Prasquier, the leader of the French-Jewish umbrella group CRIF has endorsed France’s incumbent president Niclas Sarkozy. In an Op-ed in Israeli daily Ha’aretz (April 25, 2012), Prasquier, claims that Sarkozy is better ally of Israel than his main opponent, François Hollande. The reason...
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    Dr. Jeffrey Lang and Holy Qur’an

    I attended a lecture by professor Jeffrey Lang (born 1954) in downtown Toronto a few years ago. He started his lecture with story of his bitter childhood – growing up in a Roman Catholic family with an abusive and alcoholic father who regularly beat his wife, a mother of his five children –...
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    Mel Gibson: ‘Beware of Jewish vengeance’

    Famous Hollywood actor-director Mel Gibson is in Jewish boxing arena once again. However, this time Mel is being punched for Jewish Warner Bros. which has shelved Gibson’s movie about Jewish hero, Judah Maccabee under pressure from various angry Jewish groups. After Warner Brothers...
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    Chutzpah: ‘Peter Beinart hates Israel’

    You got to love the cock-fighting among the Jewish Zionists and the Israel-Firsters. Last week two amusing events happened. First, American academic, author and former editor of Ziocon mouthpiece, The New Republic, Peter Alexander Beinart (b. 1971) was forced to cancel East Bay Area tour to...
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    Galloway’s victory: A slap on Israel Lobby’s face

    Thanks to Pakistani majority in Bradford West – George Galloway, Britain’s most loathed and loved politicians returns to the House of Commons. The founder of Respect Party, took the Bradford West seat with a majority of more than 10,000 votes, beating Labour councillor Imran Hussain in one of...
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    Pro-Israel Neonazis to hold anti-Islam rally in Denmark

    Australian Jewish journalist, Antony Loewenstein, in an article in October 2011 said that Europe’s most successful racist politicians realized long ago that backing Israel was a clever way to hide their racism. Britain’s White Supremacist Neonazi organization, the pro-Israel English Defence...
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    JFF refuses film on child abuse among Jews

    The Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival (JFF) has refused to screen renowned Hollywood producer Scott M. Rosenfelt’s film ‘Standing Silent‘. The film is about child sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community. The film, which features interviews with several victims of sexual abuse by...
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    Israelization of Canadian political process

    With the election of Thomas Mulcair (born 1954) as the new leader of Canada’s third largest party, the New Democratic Party (NDP), and leader of the Official Opposition in Canada – has completed, like the nextdoor neighbor United States, the Israelization of country’s political process. Canada’s...
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    Rabbi: ‘Frankist Jews committed Holocaust’

    Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (born 1912), former president of Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) and Chaief Rabbi at Toronto’s Holy Blossom Temple, died last month. In his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah‘, Plaut wrote that Frankist Jews were responsible for the Holocaust. The book’s ‘Forward’...
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    Comparison of Gaza and French school attack irks Israel

    Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief got into trouble with leaders of the Zionist regime for comparing the shooting death of four French Jews by a serial killer at Toulouse with Jewish army’s killing of over 1200 civilians in Gaza during ‘Operation Cast Lead‘ in December 2008...
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    University calendar change irks Jewish groups

    The Stony Brook University is a state (public) university in New York. However, its official calendar shows Jewish, Christian and national holidays – but no Muslim holidays. The SBU is planning to immplement a new calendar next fall which will delete religious holidays that traditionally been...