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    ‘The Zionist Story’: A Documentary

    'The Zionist Story’ is an independent historical documentary produced by Ronen Berelovich in 2011. It’s a story of Palestinian Holocaust by the western Jews with the active help of Christian colonial powers’ agenda to solve their centuries-old “Jewish Problem”. The World Zionist Organization’s...
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    The ‘Gaza Doctor’ and the Jewish hasbra spin!

    Jane Eisner, editor-in-chief of America’s oldest Jewish daily Forward, posted an Israeli hasbra (propaganda) piece on November 20, 2012, The ‘Gaza Doctor’ Speaks in Anguish‘. Her choice of the title, shows she wanted to prove to her readers that Izzeldine, while on phone, was not talking...
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    Bal Thackeray: ‘Hindutva leader admired Hitler and Israel’

    India’s top anti-Muslim Hindu communal leader, Shiv Sena Supremo Bal Thackeray, died on November 17, 2012 at the age 86. The news of his death was announced by Dr. Jalil Parker, a well known Muslim Pulmonologist from Lilavati hospital. Paker had been Thackerary’s family doctors for the last five...
  4. Lady of Light

    [Video] Welcome to America by MicP (Michael Phillips)

    This video was sent to me just over a month ago. Unfortunately, I hadn't got to looking at it until now. I am posting this on behalf of the person who emailed this to me, the artist's Mother. :) Thank you Mrs. Phillips for sharing this with me! :) I am including the write-up for the video as...
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    Top Muslim-hating lawmakers defeated

    While Americans are celebrating the Obama’s victory over Nethanyahu’s ‘Republican Proconsul’ Mitt Romney – many Muslim Americans are celebrating the defeat of some of the top pro-Israel and anti-Muslim Republican Congressmen in this election. These Islamophobes include Adam Hasner, US Col. Allen...
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    Elie Wiesel: ‘Mossad should kidnap Ahmadinejad’

    “Elie Wiesel, the Master propagandist – Any political movement would give its eye teeth to have him on its side,” Jewish magazine Tikun Olam. The ‘Father of Holocaust Industry’, Elie Wiesel 84, in an interview with Israeli daily Ha’aretz Ofer Aderet, published on November 2, 2012 had proposed...
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    Bishop Sizer chased by British Israel Lobby

    The Board of Deputies of British Jews, an umbrella body of pro-Israel Jewish organizations including some members of British parliament, have lodged a complaint with the Anglican church officials against Bishop Stephen Sizer of the Anglican Christ Church in Virginia Water, Surrey. The Jewish...
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    Sam Westrop and the Bloodthirsty Jews

    Sam Westrop, head of London-based Jewish think tank the Institute for Middle Eastern Democracies’ in his blog, entitled ‘Peter Jenkins and the Bloodthirsty Jews’ at the Israeli daily Jerusalem Post (October 24, 2012) called former British diplomat Peter Jenkins, “anti-Semite”, “anti-Israel” and...
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    Winnipeg’s Jew-hating anti-corruption poster!

    This month, a modified version of September’s anti-corruption poster reappeared in the heart of downtown Winnipeg. This time the name of the 13 people (mostly Jewish millionaires) were crossed out. The last month poster bearing the headline ‘$hitler’s List’ had claimed that Winnipeg’s Jewish...
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    Pope Knighted the ‘most Jewish Catholic’ paedophile

    Last week, the head of Catholic Church in Britain requested the Vatican’s permission to remove posthmously Papal Knighthood awarded to the Zionist-controlled BBC television presenter, Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile (1926-2011), by Pope John Paul II in 1990 for charity work. It’s reported that...
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    Anti-bankers mural offends British Jewish groups

    A mural in the heart of bohemian east London has caused uproar among local politicians and community leaders who have accused it of being anti-Semitic – in an area with a long Jewish and immigrant history. The mural is work of internationally renowned LA-based graffiti artist Mear One (Kalen...
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    Mossad behind latest Beirut bombing

    On October 19, Israeli Mossad car bombing killed Lebanese internal security chief Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan near Sassine Square in Beirut’s predominantly Christian district of Ashrafiya. Wissam al-Hassan, a close Sunni ally of President Michel Sulaiman, had recently earthed an Israeli...
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    [Question?] The Retail "Savings" Cards

    Illuminati News: The World's CEO, the Beast, and the Mark of the Beast Defined I've been mening to start a discussion on this for awhile now,ever since Walgreeens came up with their version. I've avoided these things like the plague for while,as I believe (my own personal belief) at the very...
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    Israel sacks IAF Commander over Hizballah drone

    The Zionist regime has sacked Brig. Gen. Doron Gavish, commander of its airforce defense layout as result of its recent humiliation by a Hizballah spy-drone operation early this month. Israeli media has reported that Gavish will be replaced by Col. Shachar Shochat, who has immediately been...
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    John Adams, Qur’an and the Muslim World

    Muslim trading communities existed in Americana before Christopher Columbus found the continent by accident in early 16th century. Muslims came from Africa and Muslim Spain. The American Constitution that framed the USA, was drafted in September 1787. Muslim Morocco was the first nation to...
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    The Zionist Jewish war on Islam

    “The Jews achieved their Golden Age in Muslim-ruled Spain (711-1492),” Dr. Bernard Lewis, the Jewish Orientalist. The pro-Israel Jewish groups and individuals are spending tens of millions of dollars each year to stir hatred toward Muslims in the US, Canada and Europe. A 2011 investigation...
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    Hizbullah: ‘Next war in occupied Galilee’

    On July 5, 2012, Brigadier-General Harzi Halevy, commander of the IDF’s Galilee Division, had boasted that next war with Hizbullah will be different. “The next war, will see the IDF strike with full force. We will have to go inside (Lebanon) and wreak havoc – not as punishment, but because that...
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    Toronto Palestine Film Festival 2012

    Toronto is currently holding its fifth annual Palestine Film Festival (September 29 – October 7, 2012). The festival opened with the Canadian premiere of the award winning documentary, ‘The War Around Us’, directed by Abdallah Omeish. Set in the winter of 2008, when the first Israeli bombs...
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    Madonna: ‘We have a Black Muslim in the White House’

    Jewish pop singer and dancer, Madonna Louise Ciccone (born 1958) who supports Barack Obama for re-election, called him a Black Muslim during her performance in Washington DC on Monday. “Now, it’s so amazing and incredible to think that we have an African-American in the White House. We have a...
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    Ahmadinejad spoke like a Messiah

    Yesterday, Iran’s President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered his 8th and last speech at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York City. However, during today’s speech, Ahmadinejad wore two hats; President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Chairman of the 120-nations Non-Aligned Movement...