
  1. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ I Bless You With My Heart Song ~ June 24, 2011

    You may be anticipating many of the changes that are on the verge of taking place, but it is necessary for you to live day to day and wait until you know exactly what they are. There has to be an orderly and sensible process of change and clearly it requires your full co-operation. Just...
  2. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Know That All is Well ~ June 20, 2011

    What you are doing as Lightworkers requires a good degree of faith, as it is not given to you to know the complete picture. Yet as a part of the mass consciousness you sense what is happening, and you know that all is well. Your Light is part of the greater Light upon Earth and it is helping...
  3. Denise

    Greetings from the Federation:

    ~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~ June 15, 2011 Greetings from the Federation: These are truly exciting times. Much is happening right now that is part of the unfolding of the Disclosure process. It has begun. We find ourselves amazed at the Illuminati’s reaction to...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Alien Buildings on Mercury, 100% proof .Nasa WE want answers

    Ever since day one 50 years ago, NASA has been hiding the information about the existence of aliens in our solar system. Don't get me wrong. I too grew up idolizing them and holding them up upon a pedestal thinking they were perfect in every way. That was my view...as a child. Then I grew up and...
  5. Denise

    Illuminati ~ Last Call ~ Galactic Federation ~ June 13, 2011

    Wanderer of the Skies - June 13, 2011 Greetings from the Federation: Again we send our message to the Illuminati to reconsider their position in this matter and come to reason and to the light. We ask that those of the Illuminati who wish to do so to “break rank” and move towards...

    Dinosaur auction features fighting pair of skeletons

    Natural history buffs with Tyrannosaurus-sized bank accounts got a chance to ante up on Sunday when an unusually large collection of fully assembled, museum-quality dinosaur skeletons was put up for auction. The featured stars of the Heritage Auctions bidding were a "fighting pair" of dinosaur...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Richard Dolan Interview with Bill and Kerry

    This is a discussion with scholar and researcher, Rich Dolan, author of Volumes I & II: "UFOs and The National Security State" and of the newly released, "A. D. After Disclosure". When we say the Future is Now, this discussion zones in on just that and how the future we are rapidly moving...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    Giant Glowing V UFO Sighting Over China On May 21

    This UFO sighting took place in the city of Yantai and in the state of Shandong, China. The eyewitness states states, "I was at home on my front porch when I noticed these strange lights in the sky. They were many white dots in a V shape. I pulled out a small camera and began taking a few...
  9. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ A New Consciousness Level Arrives ~ June 3, 2011

    There had to come a time when more people became aware of the changes in their consciousness levels. That time has arrived and the numbers will continue to grow, as the energies that are being sent to you are increasing in strength. It is the help you are getting to ensure you have every...
  10. Denise

    Time Gates and Spirit Cave ~ Archangel Metatron ~ Tyberonn

    Note from Darla: The great importance of this update cannot be fully realized until you've had time to absorb all that is contained in these new revelations. New to us anyway, we were there at the beginning of creation but have simply forgotten. Now it is time to remember and we can do...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    When Aliens Attack Doco - Nick Pope

    WOW.. Nick Pope is all about this Doco too: www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/73571/when_aliens_attack_1_4/ www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/73573/when_aliens_attack_2_4/ www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/73574/when_aliens_attack_3_4/ www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/73581/when_aliens_attack_4_4/
  12. New UFO Hunter

    Government Crop Circles VIDEO

    Famed Crop Circle Researcher - Colin Andrews discusses the absolute necessity for transition into a new period of research and disclosure by setting forth the truth and fact as accurately as they are known and not losing the opportunity afforded us by once again accepting spin and distortion to...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    Disclosure project discussion free today on worldpuja.org

    Dr. Ted Loder and Dr. Jan Bravo Disclosure 10 Years Later - Part 2 On this week's World Puja presentation "Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer", Dr. Loder and Dr. Bravo will continue their discussion about the Disclosure Project. The historic National Press Club conference by The Disclosure...
  14. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Everything is on Course ~ The Light is in Control ~ May 25, 2011

    There are signs all around you that are indicating the nearness of Disclosure, and when the latest information is meant to make the public domain ways are going to be found to achieve it. Even your dark Ones deliberately leak secrets when they feel it is in their interests, but that is...
  15. Denise

    SaLuSa: Ascension is Just a Short Step Away from Taking Place! May 20, 2011

    Dear Ones, understand that the dark Ones are answerable to Universal Law exactly as you are, and like you, when in duality are allowed to experience through their freewill choice. Of course they are also subject to your laws, but by the very nature of their rejection of them and the...
  16. New UFO Hunter

    The fatal encounter at ft

    New testimonial evidence and a document are bared in Status Report IV, following the re-emergence in 1983 of the informant whose experience, as a witness, was first disclosed three years earlier and published as Case A3 in Status Report III, 1982. The source, a sergeant in the Air Force Security...
  17. Unhypnotized

    New from David Wilcock with 2 MP3 interviews

    David's November interview with Fulford is finally revealed! The Powers that Were are threatening to set off the New Madrid Fault with HAARP as a last-ditch effort to avoid their defeat. We can stop them -- and here's how. EARTHQUAKE NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL For two years before the Japan disaster...
  18. Denise

    Archangel Anael ~ MayDay ~ May 1, 2011

    I am Archangel Anael. Beloved Children of the Light and beloved Starseeds, I bring My peace and love to you now. We will work together to develop what it means to die to self and to be reborn in Christ. You are now living in the dawn of the final day. The Day that I speak of is not a...