
  1. R

    Rep. Ron Paul is a ‘vicious anti-Semite’!

    In February 2011 – America’s leading Muslim-basher, Israel-Firster David Horowitz, had accused Rep. Ron Paul of being “a crackpot” and “vicious anti-Semite“. Horowitz claimed that Ron Paul is an ‘anti-Semite’ because of Paul’s proposal to end USAID to the Zionist entity (watch a video below)...
  2. Denise

    Sanat Kumara: The Galactic Process Received through Mercedes Kirkel on 10/ 10/ 20

    Sanat Kumara: The Galactic Process Received through Mercedes Kirkel on October 10, 2011 =============================================== The Increasing Speed of the Evolution of Consciousness The different cycles that you have been going through have each been an exponential increase in speed...
  3. Denise

    "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow." Steve Jobs' last words, with his family surrounding him

    Full article: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/30/us...ogy/index.html
  4. Denise

    Dissolving the Fear Matrix Through Self Empowerment ~ Joe Weaver

    We have seen a tremendous movement taking place across the United States over the last few weeks. The Occupy Wall street occupation has spread to over 150 cities and the numbers of people involved will be in the millions by this weekend. I chose to use the word "movement" to describe the...
  5. Denise

    Dissolving the Fear Matrix Through Self Empowerment by Joe Weaver

    Hello all, We have seen a tremendous movement taking place across the United States over the last few weeks. The Occupy Wall street occupation has spread to over 150 cities and the numbers of people involved will be in the millions by this weekend. I chose to use the word "movement" to describe...
  6. Denise

    Light Streamings: September 2011 ~ The Great Flip by Carol Fitzpatrick

    Light Streamings: September 2011 ~ The Great Flip by Carol Fitzpatrick =========================================== I have come to call this time in my life the shift-point, not because life is happening in big ways (it is) but because the energy of the higher dimensional realms is becoming...
  7. R

    Glenn Beck and his bigot critic

    “In the wake of any major terrorist event, it’s generally worth noting who is especially quick off the mark to exploit the tragedy,” Maidhc O Cathail, an Irish investigating journalist living in Japan Former CNN Talk-show host Glenn Beck is a welknown Muslim-basher. In 2008, he was selected a...
  8. Denise

    Conquering One's Body Using Your Spirit

    I Discovered This fascinating write-up, I Want to share: Many people nowadays are controlled by the body a lot more than their spirit, and due to this there exists a great low morality and awareness. The moment you toss in a spiritual approach such as reincarnation each one of our...
  9. Denise

    Dying NASA Scientist Reveals Truth

    This is old but worth reviewing if you have see it: Dying NASA scientist reveals truth about life on mars
  10. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ We Await the Right Moment ~ August 8, 2011

    As you can see, the financial situation in the world is out of control and before much longer; our allies will have to step forward to implement the new policies. It does not take a genius to understand that creating more debt will not solve your problems, and debt forgiveness is the only...
  11. CASPER

    The Worm

    Let us give thanks for our poverty, said the guy dressed in rags. I saw him with my own eyes: drifting through a town of flat houses, built of brick and mortar, between the United States and Mexico. Let us give thanks for our violence, he said, even if it's futile like a ghost, even if it leads...
  12. Denise

    "Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father

    FYI: Quote: According to John Hamer, the Masonic ritual murder of four prostitutes was carried out by Winston Churchill's father, Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, 1849-1895 (left.) The prostitutes were blackmailing the royal family. "Churchill was not only the 'brains' behind...
  13. Lady of Light

    Obama: NASA Needs a Technological Breakthrough

    This pratt is lying through is teeth yet again check what he said about Nasa.We all know the air force is running the space programme. Answering a question in a Twitter town hall meeting today, President Obama suggested spaceflight is stuck in the Apollo-era mode and said NASA needs a...
  14. CASPER

    On Lacking the Killer Instinct

    One hare, absorbed, sitting still, Right in the grassy middle of the track, I met when I fled up into the hills, that time My father was dying in a hospital— I see her suddenly again, borne back By the morning paper's prize photograph: Two greyhounds tumbling over, absurdly gross, While the hare...
  15. New UFO Hunter

    UFO ABDUCTION – Italian Woman artificially Inseminated

    What can you say when a report of such an abduction and artificial insemination is presented with this kind of a recorded back-up evidence as this video … A reader or viewer will either believe, not believe or consider the possibilities, with a few having an “I sure hope this doesn’t...
  16. Denise

    Archangel Anael ~ MayDay ~ May 1, 2011

    I am Archangel Anael. Beloved Children of the Light and beloved Starseeds, I bring My peace and love to you now. We will work together to develop what it means to die to self and to be reborn in Christ. You are now living in the dawn of the final day. The Day that I speak of is not a...
  17. Unhypnotized

    New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash

    London Telegraph Friday, May 13, 2011 The film sets out to prove a cover-up by the “establishment” over the death of Princess Diana. It has caused outrage in sections of the British press and is not scheduled for a UK release. Directed by actor Keith Allen and backed by Mohamed al-Fayed...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Rich Russians Buy Bunkers on Apocalypse Angst

    Lyubov Pronina Bloomberg Friday, May 13, 2011 Terrorism can be good for bunker builders. An apocalypse can be even better for business. Danila Andreyev started building “panic rooms” three years ago, when fears of terrorist attacks and commercial disputes turning violent created demand in...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Government Shutdown 2011? – 16 Things You Need To Know

    The American Dream April 7, 2011 Is it actually going to happen?* Are we actually going to see “Government Shutdown 2011″?* Will the streets of Washington D.C. soon be eerily quiet as hundreds of thousands of federal workers are temporarily sent home?* Right now Barack Obama, Harry Reid and...
  20. CASPER


    In ancient Greece, a man could withdraw into the desert to praise his gods in solitude— he'd live out his days by himself in a cave of sand. Eremos, Greek for desert—you could look it up. Hermit crabs live mostly alone in their self-chosen hermitages, they learn young to muscle their soft...