
  1. New UFO Hunter

    Meteorologist & South African Air Force Intelligence Elizabeth Klarer - Extraterrestrials - UFO

    Name: Elizabeth Klarer Job Description: Meteorologist & South African Air Force Intelligence Subject matter: Brief Description:
  2. Truth Vibrations

    NBC Cancels Senator Warren Glass-Steagall Interview Because of "Copyright Violations"

    The MSM can't keep up with us as we are learning their psychology and that they have an agenda. NBC Freaks Out over Glass-Steagall, Cancels Posting of Senator Warren Interview Because of "Copyright Violations" July 20, 2013
  3. 100th Monkey

    Citizen Arrest Warrants Issued today to Detain former Pope, Queen of England and other church-state officers.

    From what I have been able to understand the ITCCS is basically a group of non-persons who claim they are a "Common Law Court", or courts that belong to the people not the Queen. So they can enforce their own laws. Cited from: http://itccs.org/ "Thursday, March 7, 2013 CANADA IS DISSOLVED...
  4. Linda Brown

    Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and "mind control"

    Lady of Light, Since this seems to be the thread for this discussion I would like to ask your members what they know about Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and what she may be involved with now and for the next year? Any one have any current information? She has personally expressed an interest in my...
  5. R

    UPDATE: UK Tribunal to try Pope Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor for child genocide

    UPDATE: UK Tribunal to try Pope Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor for child genocide Source>>> YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  6. Unhypnotized

    TED: Elizabeth Lindsey: Curating humanity's heritage

    http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_l..._heritage.html About this talk It's been said that when an elder dies, it's as if a library is burned. Anthropologist Elizabeth Lindsey, a National Geographic Fellow, collects the deep cultural knowledge passed down as stories and lore. About Elizabeth...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Beyond the Light Barrier - The Autobiography of Elizabeth Klarer

    Beyond the Light Barrier - The Autobiography of Elizabeth Klarer Just came across this book and after reading about her experiences, going off to another planet, in the Alpha Centauri group. And this is the reprint by Light Technology Publishing...