
  1. 100th Monkey

    The Fifth Estate - A movie about Wikileaks and Julian Assange

    A new movie called the The Fifth Estate will be about Wikileaks and Julian Assange. It looks like it may be a good movie. The movie is due to be released on October 18th 2013. Trailer here: Movie info here: The Fifth Estate (2013) - IMDb
  2. Denise

    Canadian homes overpriced by 30% heading for correction

    Intriguing report from the CBC: A recent report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development that revealed Canada has the third most overvalued real estate in the developed world offered few surprises for analysts who say the market is heading for a price correction...
  3. 2

    Just letting off some steam

    Have any of you rented, I mean from places who all they want is the rent money, but don't wish to provide any service? Well, I believe I mentioned the fact that my friend and I were unfortunate enough to get stuck in a place that had no on-site management. It looked decent at the time we saw...