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    Gantz: Hizbullah poses a major threat to Israel

    Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, head of Israel Occupation Force (IOF) told a conference on Monday that Lebanese Islamic resistance “Hizbullah has capabilities that many states don’t have – in terms of scope and strength”. Gantz was a keynote speaker at Bar-Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat Center for...
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    Suleiman: ‘Israel behind Beirut bombing’

    On Friday, Lebanese Christian President Michel Suleiman blamed the Zionist regime for the deadly car bombing in the Southern suburb of Beirut on August 15, which killed 21 and injured more than 250 people. “This a criminal act that bears the fingerprints of terrorism and Israel, and is aimed to...
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    Hizbullah goes offensive

    Hizbullah, as part of Shia Amal, began as a welfare organisation in the 1980s. During the Israeli occupation and Lebanon civil war, Hizbullah established an armed resistance wing. After it forced the Jewish occupation force and its Lebanese Christian militant proxy to withdraw from South Lebanon...
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    Nasrallah committed to liberate Palestine

    On Friday, Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, surprised both his followers and enemies by attending the International Quds Day rally in person to deliver an alive speech. His move, against the objection of his security personnel, shows his dedication for Palestinians dream of liberation...
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    Hizbullah to stay the most powerful Resistance

    Two days ago, European Union’s 28-member block decided to enlist Hizbullah’s armed wing as terrorist organization. The decision proved once again that EU is nothing but a political/financial arm of the US and Israel. The decision has become a butt of jokes on the social media sites, especially...
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    Israel runs Hizbullah website

    On July 14, 2013, Israeli daily YNet reported that Israeli army’s propaganda branch launched a new website, “Hizbullah, Army of Terror”, to mark the 7th anniversary of defeat in 2006 war with Hizbullah. According to the newspaper, “the website will offer in-depth information, analysis on...
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    Seven Years on: Hizbullah defeated Israel

    “Hizbullah is not a militia but the Lebanese resistance force since it only used its weapons against Israel,” Rafik Hariri, prime minister of Lebanon in 1989. Rafik Hariri was assassinated by Mossad on February 14, 2005. Seven years have passed on July 2006 war, when Jewish Army used all its...
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    ADL: ‘EU must blacklist Hizbullah’

    In January 2013, British prime minister, David Cameron (with Jewish family roots) urged members of the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC) to “make a noise” and lead a grassroots campaign calling for the EU to take action against Lebanon’s Islamic Resistance Hizbollah. So, on June 16, 2013, Abraham...
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    Israeli Report: ‘Hizbullah missiles cover entire Israel’

    Last month, Israeli newspaper ‘Israel Hayom’ in its special report, entitled “Hezbollah 2013” claimed that Lebanese Islamic Resistance’s 300 long-range missiles could bring the entire Israeli territory within the reach of its attack. The report also claimed that Hizbullah has arsenal of 60,000...
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    Assad: Hizbullah is fighting Israel in Syria

    Thursday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gave a rare interview to Lebanese Al-Manar TV. He talked about the early protests against his government, demanding political and social reforms which were later hijacked by foreign armed and funded pro-western takfri mercenaries and Turkish and Israeli...
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    Canada: No arms for Syrian rebels

    I must admit, I could not believe my eyes when I read the news that our “Israeli poodle”, foreign minister John Baird has joined with both Tehran and Moscow in condemning European Union’s decision on Tuesday not to renew its embargo on arming the rebels fighting Syrian forces for over two years...
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    Jewish leaders are obsessed with Hizbullah

    It’s amazing how religious and political Zionist Jewish leaders in the West are so obsessed with Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizbullah. They have used every possible pressure (bombing, bribe, sanction and military threats, propaganda lies, etc.) to isolate Hizbullah from the international...
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    Nasrallah predicts US-Israel defeat in Syria

    On May 25, 2013, Lebanese of different faiths celebrated 13th anniversary of the Liberation Day (a national holiday) – in the memory of the retreat of the Jewish army and defeat of its Lebanese Christian proxy, Philangist terrorists, in May 2000. In his Liberation Day address to the Lebanese...
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    Israel shot its own foot; Again!

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Crypto-Jew propaganda minister, who had Jewish family roots. Last month, Israel’s Air Force claimed it shot-down an unmanned aircraft off the coast of Haifa. Tel Aviv...