
  1. L

    ok- how's this?: why don't people get upset about the fact that the CIA researches nazi mind control methods?

    (short summary) in the 1960s, the CIA launched a project called MK-Ultra, which tested the effects of LSD and other mind altering drugs, and other forms of brainwave manipulation on people who didn't know they were having mind control techniques tested on them. (sources)...
  2. R

    The Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has said that American CIA and Pakistani ISI

    The Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has said that American CIA and Pakistani ISI created the Taliban together. Wednesday, May 13, 2009 "I think it is a part of your past and our past, and the ISI and the CIA created it together," Zardari told the American news channel NBC on May 7, 2009 in...
  3. R

    Missouri retracts police memo which labeled activists as 'militia'

    Missouri retracts police memo which labeled activists as 'militia' The Raw Story | Missouri retracts police memo which labeled activists as 'militia' Stephen C. Webster Thursday March 26, 2009 The Missouri Department of Public Safety has retracted a controversial profiling memo which linked...
  4. R

    German President calls for new financial order

    March 24th, 2009 in Breaking News, New World Disorder FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL Home About FPI Global Emergency! Targeted Populations German President calls for new financial order News | Reuters. BERLIN, March 24 (Reuters) - German President and former International Monetary Fund chief...
  5. R

    Sacred Geometry is the key to your divine potential

    Sacred Geometry is the key to your divine potential Sunday, March 22, 2009 Janosh shows that miracles exist, but if you believe in your own strength. It is itself the epitome of the life of your own passion. Not long ago he worked as a graphic designer in the advertising world. But now the...
  6. R

    'UFO' blip leaves airport officials foxed

    'UFO' blip leaves airport officials foxed 21 Mar 2009 KOLKATA: An unidentified flying object blipped on the city radar in the wee hours of Thursday, a little after mysterious objects were photograph-ed hovering in the London sky. The blip that lasted for 15 minutes on the Bay of Bengal left...
  7. R

    Camera viewing shall adopt bilboard

    This is weird. Camera viewing shall adopt bilboerd Thursday, February 12, 2009 Advertisers have found a way to determine how much and how long people watch commercials. Small cameras in or around the screen to make, it is sex, age and even ethnic origin mapping and using it to change the...
  8. R

    Petagon Propaganda is booming

    Pentagon Propaganda Is Booming Posted on Feb 5, 2009 USAF / Tech. Sgt. Charlein Sheets Air Force Maj. Robert Brooks (right) waits for his cue from Sgt. 1st Class Jamie Posten, with the Army and Air Force Hometown News Service, to begin taping a holiday greeting at Kirkuk Air Base, Iraq, in...
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    Life after people

    History channel
  10. Rumas

    Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller about illuminati, asian opposition

    Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller about illuminati, asian opposition Video description:
  11. Rumas

    Queen Declares Martial Law in Canada Blogs - Tom Heneghan Intelligence Briefing MySpace Blog