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    Israel sacks IAF Commander over Hizballah drone

    The Zionist regime has sacked Brig. Gen. Doron Gavish, commander of its airforce defense layout as result of its recent humiliation by a Hizballah spy-drone operation early this month. Israeli media has reported that Gavish will be replaced by Col. Shachar Shochat, who has immediately been...
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    John Adams, Qur’an and the Muslim World

    Muslim trading communities existed in Americana before Christopher Columbus found the continent by accident in early 16th century. Muslims came from Africa and Muslim Spain. The American Constitution that framed the USA, was drafted in September 1787. Muslim Morocco was the first nation to...
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    2010: When Assad said NO to Netanyahu on Iran

    Barack Obama’s special envoy to Lebanon and Syria, Frederick Hof, who resigned from his post earlier this week – in a confidential document leaked this week has claimed that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak conducted intensive secret talks with Syrian...
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    Hizbullah tests spy drone over Israel

    The leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah in a televised speech yesterday claimed that the unarmed drone Israeli airforce shot-down belonged to Hizbullah and was on flight to test Israel’s American supplied anti-missile detection system. Nasrallah also claimed...
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    The Zionist Jewish war on Islam

    “The Jews achieved their Golden Age in Muslim-ruled Spain (711-1492),” Dr. Bernard Lewis, the Jewish Orientalist. The pro-Israel Jewish groups and individuals are spending tens of millions of dollars each year to stir hatred toward Muslims in the US, Canada and Europe. A 2011 investigation...
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    Venezuela: Iran wins, Israel loses

    On October 7, pro-Iran Venezuelan incumbent president Hugo Chavez was declared re-elected by defeating his pro-Israel Crypto-Jewish opponent Henrique Capriles Radonski by 54.66% to 44.47% votes. “Because of my mother and grandmother, for Jews I’m Jewish, but I’m Catholic,” Capriles told JTA...
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    Turkey plays al-Qaeda for Zionism

    US-Israel-Turkey financed terrorist group Free Syrian Army (FSA) carried the false flage bombing operation at the Turkish border town of Akcakale on Wednesday. Turkish artillery hit targets inside Syria, killing several Syrian soldiers. FSA also abducted 48 Iranian Shia pilgrims and has...
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    Obama, Iran and Israel Lobby

    “Peace is obtained neither by Law nor Force but by compassion towards others and self-sacrifice,” Dr. Ahmadinejad, President of Islamic Republic of Iran. On October 3, in his speech at the Norfolk Forum, former US defense secretary Robert Gates warned that a US-Israel attack on Iran would have...
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    Henry Siegman: ‘The end of Israel is near’

    German-born Professor Henry Siegman 82 (University of London) is a journalist, writer and author specializing in the international policy towards the Zionist entity. He is also an ordained Rabbi and former head of the powerful American Jewish Congress (1978-1994). Siegman had been supporter of...
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    Iran bomb: The evergreen Zionist hoax

    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his hysterical speech at the UN General Assembly on September 27, 2012 – amused the audience by drawing a ‘red line’ on an Iran bomb look-alike sketch he was holding in his hand. He warned the world leaders to stop Iran’s nuclear program before Iran...
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    Toronto Palestine Film Festival 2012

    Toronto is currently holding its fifth annual Palestine Film Festival (September 29 – October 7, 2012). The festival opened with the Canadian premiere of the award winning documentary, ‘The War Around Us’, directed by Abdallah Omeish. Set in the winter of 2008, when the first Israeli bombs...
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    Netanyahu does ‘heil Hitler’ salute

    Abraham Foxman, the head of the New York-based Israeli lobby group ADL, has heavily criticized the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters for publishing a photo of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a pose that looks like ‘heil Hitler’, the Nazi salute. Foxman told the Jewish Daily Caller...
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    Omar Khadr returns home in chains

    Yesterday, Toronto-born child soldier, Omar Khadr, who spent ten years at Guantánamo Bay concentration camp, returned home in chains. He is being kept in maximum security facility at Canadian military base in Trenton, Ontario. Canada’s Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews, a known Israel-Firster...
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    ‘Obama and Netanyahu agree on Iran’, Really!

    Israeli prime minister in his satirical speech at the UN General Assembly on September 27, indirectly admitted that he had failed to corner the first Jewish President Barack Obama, who is set to be re-elected – to attack Iran before the November 6 election. “I very much appreciate the...
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    Paris’ gay Mayor faces ‘anti-Semitism’

    The Mayor of Paris, Betrand Delanoë, has been slammed by French politicians for spending too much of money and time on pleasing French Jewish minority. The anger blew up as result of Mayor’s postponement of deliberations at the Council of Paris on Tuesday for the Jewish Yom Kippur holidays. The...
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    Lobby: ‘Jews don’t control Mitt Romney’

    Personally, I believe it will make no difference to the Muslim world who wins the American presidential election in November 2012. Because both Obama and Romney are the two faces of the same Israeli coin. Maureen Dowd, a long time columnist with the New York Times, is under fire from Jewish...
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    Ahmadinejad spoke like a Messiah

    Yesterday, Iran’s President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered his 8th and last speech at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York City. However, during today’s speech, Ahmadinejad wore two hats; President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Chairman of the 120-nations Non-Aligned Movement...
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    ‘Piss Christ’ photograph is back

    “The Talmud, which consists of rabbinical interpretations of the law, treats Christ and Christians with contempt. Unlike the Qur’an, which regards Christ as a great prophet, the Talmud contains very offensive precepts and statements directed specifically against Christianity. For example, in...
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    Ahmadinejad in New York: Zionists in panic

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadunejad along with other Iranian officials have settled down in New York’s Warwick Hotel, which is being sued by the ‘Holocaust survivors’. On Sunday, the New York Post compiled a basket filled with Jewish-themed goodies for Ahmadinejad. The basket also included a...
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    AKP loses public support on Syrian policy

    Some readers will be surprised to know that Erdogan’s regime-change in Damascus policy has nothing to do with AKP’s moral support for the Syrian Sunni majority. It’s based on greed for the Middle Eastern petro-dollars. Since last year, AKP leaders have received huge investment promises from rich...