
  1. Lady of Light

    [Video] Welcome to America by MicP (Michael Phillips)

    This video was sent to me just over a month ago. Unfortunately, I hadn't got to looking at it until now. I am posting this on behalf of the person who emailed this to me, the artist's Mother. :) Thank you Mrs. Phillips for sharing this with me! :) I am including the write-up for the video as...
  2. R

    Barack Obama: ‘Holocaust is a religion’!

    Last month, during his speech at the UN General Assembly, while commenting, indirectly, on the Israel-Jewish anti-Islam movie ‘Innocence of Muslims‘, Barack Obama said: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must...
  3. R

    Church leaders blast US for Israel Aid

    On Monday, the leaders of the Lutheran, Methodist, UCC Churches, and the National Council of Churches sent a letter to Congress members, calling for an investigation into Israel’s continue violation of the US Foreign Assistance Act and the US Arms Export Control Act, which makes the Zionist...
  4. R

    ‘Piss Christ’ photograph is back

    “The Talmud, which consists of rabbinical interpretations of the law, treats Christ and Christians with contempt. Unlike the Qur’an, which regards Christ as a great prophet, the Talmud contains very offensive precepts and statements directed specifically against Christianity. For example, in...
  5. R

    US Filmmaker: ‘Iranians are beautiful people’

    Merlin Miller, an American filmmaker and American Third Position Party presidential candidate visited Tehran to attend ‘New Horizon - The 1st. International Independent Filmmakers Festival’ held in Tehran from September 2-7, 2012. Over 120 movies from diffrent countries competed in the festival...
  6. R

    Jews: ‘Jesus is a monkey’

    On Monday, Christian worshippers, once again, found another proof of Jewish hatred toward Jesus, Mary and Christians. They found anti-Christ slogan “Jesus is a monkey” written at the Catholic monastery at Latrun and the front door set on fire. The Israel police has blamed the extremist Jewish...
  7. R

    San Francisco’s MTA ad: ‘Support Israel. Defeat jihad’

    San Francisco’s Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) has a policy against political ads on its buses, but not on this recent one put by Pamela Geller’s pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative group. The ad reads: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the...
  8. R

    Iranian Judge: ‘Hang the crook bankers!’

    The Islamic Republic of Iran has been blamed for many so-called ‘anti-Semitic’ activities by the Zionist-controlled media – but somehow, this latest one missed the mainstream media. Maybe, because this involved bankers, the criminalization of which is considered unholy in the ‘civilized’ West...
  9. R

    Obama, Romney and the Jewish Lobby

    The veteran British journalist and author, Rupert Cornwell, has angered the pro-Israel Jewish groups once again. In his recent Op-Ed in UK daily The Independent (July 22, 2012), entitled Today, Jerusalem. Tomorrow, Washington?, he has repeated the ‘forbidden truth’ – that’s the two percent...
  10. T

    The plain truth without imagination

    No God but Allah ..... I invite you to embrace the religion of Islam, the religion of God is right, a religion that unites God and no one else is God Wahed Al Ahad Samad individual begets not and did not have one no longer, God is not like humans eat and sleep God holds the sky to fall...
  11. R

    Talmud goes Arabic – Jewish groups hit ‘The Wall’

    Several pro-Israel Jewish groups lead by Abraham Foxman have urged Jordanian government to take action to ensure that the recent Arabic translation of Jewish Talmud is not used to teach hatred of Jews and Israel among the Arabs. A group of some 90 Jordanian Muslim and Christian scholars and...
  12. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Death, Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out-Of-Body And Near-Death: How To Remain In Complete Control Wherever You Find Yourself - Lady Of Light - May 23

    Lady of Light May 23, 2012 I had 2 separate channels that had come through on the subject of Death and Dreaming. I cannot tie them in together easily, as they touch on slightly different aspects of these subjects, so I’ve decided to give both accounts, one after the other...
  13. Lady of Light

    Death, Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out-Of-Body And Near-Death: How To Remain In Complete Control Wherever You Find Yourself - Lady Of Light May 23 20

    Lady of Light May 23, 2012 I had 2 separate channels that had come through on the subject of Death and Dreaming. I cannot tie them in together easily, as they touch on slightly different aspects of these subjects, so I’ve decided to give both accounts, one after the other, in...
  14. R

    Anti-Zionist comedian’s show canceled in Montreal

    Montreal’s Evenko and Corona Theatre has canceled French comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala’s show ‘Rendez-nous Jésus (Give us back Jesus)‘ under pressure from Jewish groups lead by pro-Israel B’nai Brith. Dieudonné was scheduled to perform at the theatre begining May 14, 2012. Dieudonné, 46, is...
  15. R

    Obama and Israel vow gay-lesbian

    On Wednesday, under pressure from vice-president Israel-Firster Joe Biden and Jewish groups supporting Democratic Party – Barack Obama reversed his long-standing opposition to same-sex marriage. In an interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts, said that he personally supports same sex marriage...
  16. R

    A Pastor’s search for the historical Jesus

    The other day I came across an interesting article by Rev. Howard Bess, entitled Hiding the True Jesus in which he challenges Christian dogma about Jesus, Christianity and the Gospels. In my comments, I tried to explain that some of Rev. Howard Bess narratives of the life and Jesus’ message are...
  17. R

    Plight of Christians in Jewish occupied Palestine

    “The very name Jesus was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable, and this popular tradition still persists. The Gospels are equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted, let alone taught, even in modern Israeli Jewish schools,” wrote late professor Israel Shahak. Bob Simon...
  18. Denise

    The book of revelations full movie

    Great book converted into a film: Video information: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the...
  19. 100th Monkey

    Quakes HAARPed on Scientology Holidays & Christian Holy Days The following are quakes near Calvary&Christchurch ,New Zealand between Sept.4,2010 & June 6,2011.{note; Clavary is the location outside Jerusalem where Christ is said to have been crucified}All the below quakes happened on Scientology holidays...
  20. R

    Christian group blasts Israeli ambassador Oren

    The Kairos, an international Christian NGO group, with branches in 45 nations, has condemned Israeli ambassador in Washington, Michael Oren’s last month Op-Ed piece published in the Wall Street Journal (March 9, 2012). The WSJ is owned by the disgraced media-tycon Israel-Firster Rupert Murdoch...