
  1. Unhypnotized

    NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11

    Has anyone been following Wayne Madsen? Here he is reporting on NSA Q Group. NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11 4:35min '[Ken Ford] discovered evidence that there were no weapons of mass destruction. He was set up in a sting operation by this Q Group. It's the most egregious...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Early start to winter ?20% of USA is covered in snow already

    Watts Up With That? Thursday, Oct 15th, 2009 While early autumn snowstorms aren’t uncommon in US weather history, they tend to be quick affairs that melt off quickly in a day or two. This however is a bit different in that we have a significant portion of the northern Midwest plains and...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Week in review: (Google) Android has arrived

    [There's more information about Google, CIA (Keyhole), NSA, 9/11 on this thread:] http://www.projectavalon.org/forum/s...ad.php?t=16736 Business Tech October 9, 2009 8:00 AM PDT Week in review: Android has arrived Two years after Google announced Android, phone manufacturers are launching...
  4. Unhypnotized

    David Ickes' Reptilians are Counter Intel Op

    This was just posted by a user at Alex Jones pp forum. I'll paste it here as I think it is great information.. the article mirrored many of my thoughts about the reptilian thing. Karen or another mod sorry if this breaks the rule about pasting text, feel free to delete, I just thought it...

    The Keys to Understanding Chemtrails

    These keys are not new. They've been out there in various forms for over a year now. They easily dispel cloud cover, radar shields, and other disinfo explanations, the former two being the most widely limited hangouts given to make us all go back to sleep. The most damning evidence is the very...

    Conspiracy or coincidence?

    Is it a conspiracy or a coincidence? There is a long and tangled history between the Bush family and the elite of Saudi Arabia. There are many business and connections between the Bush family and the elite of Saudi Arabia. It begins in the 1970's in Houston, Texas, when George W. Bush was just...
  7. R

    Ssssshhhhh! President Obama Is Still Backing State Secrets

    Ssssshhhhh! President Obama Is Still Backing State Secrets ABC June 15th, 2009 in Breaking News, ObamaGate President Obama’s Justice Department didn’t just disappoint some of his liberal supporters by arguing in support of the Defense of Marriage Act this week, disappointing if not angering...
  8. L

    ok- how's this?: why don't people get upset about the fact that the CIA researches nazi mind control methods?

    (short summary) in the 1960s, the CIA launched a project called MK-Ultra, which tested the effects of LSD and other mind altering drugs, and other forms of brainwave manipulation on people who didn't know they were having mind control techniques tested on them. (sources)...
  9. R

    Obama Administration Declares Proposed IP Treaty a 'National Security' Secret

    Obama Administration Declares Proposed IP Treaty a 'National Security' Secret By David Kravets March 12, 2009 | 11:21:09 PMCategories: Sunshine and Secrecy President Barack Obama came into office in January promising a new era of openness. But now, like Bush before him, Obama is playing the...
  10. R

    Terror Memos Reveal Total Destruction Of U.S. Constitutional Freedoms

    Terror Memos Reveal Total Destruction Of U.S. Constitutional Freedoms 030309memos No official reversal, illegal practices can continue Steve Watson Infowars.net Tuesday, March 3, 2009 By releasing internal Justice Department memos showing how the Bush fronted Neocons systematically destroyed...
  11. Unhypnotized

    There is no such a thing as overpopulation

    WORLD DEPOPULATION IS TOP NSA AGENDA: CLUB OF ROME A Timely Repost: The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy by Lonnie Wolfe Special Report EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) March 10, 1981 Investigations by EIR have uncovered a planning apparatus operating outsidethe control...