
  1. R

    Russell Tribunal: ‘Israel is an apartheid entity’

    On Monday, the Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RTP) completed its two-days session in Cape Town (South Africa). In its unanimous verdict the RTP found that the Zionist regime is a racist and apartheid entity as defined under international law. In their recommendations, the jury called upon the...
  2. R

    Libya and Western myth of ‘Islamists’

    In the West, Holocaust and anti-Semitism labels are applied to silence criticism of Israel, Jews and Zionism. On the other hand, the term ‘Islamist’ is applied to a Muslim who challenges the western crimes in the Muslim world or demands equal rights as religious minority in the non-Muslim world...
  3. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Focusing on the Future ~ October 10, 2011

    You have a saying that many roads lead to Rome, and clearly many paths lead to Ascension. as few if any individuals have traveled exactly the same one, and that has been the result of your own choice. You will have been advised which ones are best to ensure your continued evolution, but in...
  4. R

    Sarkozy – from Tripoli to Damascus and Tehran

    “France, they had their spies there for decades. Religious movements have had their people there for decades. So they are going to do whatever they can to use their influence to change the regime in a way that they see fit,” believes Lode Vanoost, a former speaker of the Belgian parliament. It...
  5. Denise

    Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization

    'In this companion DVD to The Irish Origins of Civilization (Volumes 1 and 2), Michael Tsarion discusses the historical significance of ancient Ireland and takes us on a truly fascinating journey through time, from the Emerald Isle to Egypt and back again full circle. Along the way we are...
  6. R

    The ‘Wailing Wall’ is not Jewish

    American archaeologist and author, Professor Dr. Ernest L. Martin (1932-2002) had conducted archaeology work in East jerusalem. In his controversial book ‘The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot’, published in 1999 – Dr. Martin claimed that Muslim sacred places, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of Rock are...

    Yannis Keats

    A branch, the hand of Apollo, The plane tree’s polished, broad bough, Spread above you, may it bring you The universe’s immortal peace. You’d meet me on the broad and shining shore Of Pylos, so I’d planned, With Mentor’s tall ship...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    Cabal's ams-02 star wars weapon

    Monday, May 16, 2011 CABAL'S AMS-02 STAR WARS WEAPON Submitted by Dick R. - Thanks CABAL'S AMS-02 STAR WARS WEAPON Dr. Richard Boylan Friends, On January 28 we successfully engaged in a Joint Prayer Exercise to deactivate a very large secret anti-UFO weapons system which the Cabal had placed...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Portal Stargate ISS Live Video 05-16-11

    Cool! materialisation & dematerialisation NASA ordered ‘Pause The Playback’ of the Live Stream, after three UFOs appear in the Endeavour’s background This event is happened on 18 May, during the Endeavour-ISS rendevouz in space. Three unknown objects appear during the approach and Ground...
  10. Unhypnotized

    There's some evidence of which advises a strong earthquake could take place in Italy (Rome)

    Hysteria on the Internet in Italy: Rome will be devastated by an earthquake on May 11. After the catastrophe in Japan, specialists or controversial researchers have begun to speak more strongly about the earthquakes that could devastate our world. On many sites in Italy appeared the theory...
  11. R

    Obama's Muslim uprisings remark insults Passover

    For the third year in a row, Barack Obama and his wife, hosted a Passover seder at the White House April 18 night for a small group of Jewish and non-Jewish staff and family. Earlier Monday, Obama called Benji Netanyahu to wish him and the Jewish citizens of the Zionist entity a happy Passover...
  12. New UFO Hunter

    Aliens at the vatican

    Michael Maregski, Lutheran pastor of Our Holy Father in Rome, is quoted as saying "the ufologists have been speculating for many years that aliens may have been portrayed as angels to our ancestors in antiquity. If this speculation turns out to be proven true; why would angels be buried at the...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Top Scientist: Fukushima Meltdown Could Trigger Atomic Explosion

    Kurt Nimmo April 12, 2011 A British professor and expert on the health effects of ionizing radiation told Alex Jones today evidence points toward a nuclear explosion occurring at the*Fukushima Daiichi complex. Two explosions at the plant in March were described as hydrogen gas...
  14. Denise

    Channeled by Jay Bland, April (SenRenShitha / Parcival) + Q&A

    Behemoth falls - A Sirius Communication 08Apr11 SenRenShitha April 8th, 2011 Channeled by Jay Bland, M.A. Behemoth falls I am SeRenShitha and I have very big news for your people of Earth planet. A momentous decision has been designed, made, and today carried out that will affect the entire...
  15. R

    Dershowitz: ‘Jews are not welcomed in Norway’

    Norway is well-known for its anti-Muslim bigotry. Last month, PST (Norwegian Security Service) chief Janne Kristiansen named a new anti-Islamic organization, the Norwegian Defence League (NDL) as threat to country’s internal security. The Israeli ‘Gladiator’, Professor Alan Dershowitz (Harvard...
  16. Unhypnotized

    The Irish Origins Of Civilization

    Full 10 hour DVD Series available from: In his companion DVD Series to The Irish Origins of Civilization (Volumes 1 and 2), Michael Tsarion discusses the historical significance of ancient Ireland and takes us on a truly fascinating journey through time, from...
  17. CASPER

    Astronauts venture outside station on spacewalk

    Two NASA astronauts ventured outside the International Space Station on Monday to prepare the orbital outpost for life after the United States retires its fleet of three space shuttles. Astronauts Stephen Bowen and Alvin Drew, who arrived at the space station on Saturday aboard the shuttle...
  18. CASPER

    High winds, rough seas hamper Libyan evacuations

    IRAKLIO, Crete – Two ships braved churning seas Thursday to whisk some 4,500 Chinese workers away from strife-torn Libya to the island of Crete, while rough weather further west in the Mediterranean left hundreds of Americans stranded on a ferry in Tripoli. As tens of thousands of foreigners...
  19. CASPER

    Americans, Turks among the thousands fleeing Libya

    ANKARA, Turkey – Foreigners fled the chaos in Libya by the thousands, with Americans and Turks climbing aboard ships, Europeans boarding evacuation flights and North Africans racing to border crossings in overcrowded vans. Two Turkish ships whisked 3,000 citizens away from the unrest engulfing...
  20. CASPER

    EU, oil companies begin Libya evacuations

    ROME – European countries sent planes and ferries to Libya to evacuate their citizens, and some oil and gas companies pulled their foreign staff out and suspended operations, as anti-government protests spread to Tripoli for the first time. Many countries had already urged their citizens to...