
  1. Unhypnotized

    The Final Push ~ We're Crowning!

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011 The Final Push: We're Crowning! by Lauren C. Gorgo Uranus in Aries So here we are again on the cusp of the astrological new year (when the sun enters the first degrees of Aries), the spring equinox in the north (the autumn equinox in...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto

    by Gary Vey for viewzone The idea of a new planet being discovered in our Solar System is pretty exciting. Even more so because of the many theories about "planet-x" or "Nibiru" being associated with space aliens and the doomsday prophecies of 2012. Scientists at places like NASA and famous...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Nibiru To Break Through Ecliptic March 4th 2011 Hoax or Truth?

    A Discussion thread on the popular internet site godlikeproductions has received an extremely high volume of comments surrounding the mystery planet X Nibiru and its proposed nearing approach to the Earth, forecasting the "dark Star" to break through our ecliptic on March 15th 2011. Nibiru...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space 2-15-11

    You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT. Evidence is mounting that either a brown dwarf star or a gas giant planet is...

    Court says NASA background checks can continue

    WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to stop federal investigations into the private lives of people who want to work at government installations — even those who don't have security clearances and don't work on secret projects. The high court turned away challenges to background...
  6. funbunz29

    month of january

    Capricorn Horoscope You're still in an overconfident phase, but you should get a chance today to put your perspective back in balance. You can maintain a spiritual point of view based on the idea that everything is just as it should be. But don't use this line of reasoning as a justification...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Gigantic Storm With Huge Tail Erupts on Saturn

    By Dave Mosher December 27, 2010 4:00 pm An enormous storm has erupted in Saturn’s northern hemisphere. Amateurs first sighted the storm earlier this month, but the Cassini spacecraft moved into a good position on Dec. 24 to photograph it from...

    The Top 7 Space Stories of 2010

    In the year 2010, humanity made first contact with extraterrestrials — at least according to the sequel to the acclaimed film "2001: A Space Odyssey." Nothing quite so earth-shattering happened in the real world this year. But space-science researchers did make a number of extraordinary...

    Apollo 8: Christmas At The Moon

    Christmas Eve, 1968. As one of the most turbulent, tragic years in American history drew to a close, millions around the world were watching and listening as the Apollo 8 astronauts -- Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders -- became the first humans to orbit another world. As their command...
  10. CASPER

    Cassini Provides New Dramatic Views Of Saturn's Rhea

    Newly released for the holidays, images of Saturn's second largest moon Rhea obtained by NASA's Cassini spacecraft show dramatic views of fractures cutting through craters on the moon's surface, revealing a history of tectonic rumbling. The images are among the highest-resolution views ever...
  11. CASPER

    Sun's Gravity Could Be Tapped to Call E.T.

    Our own sun might represent the best communications device around, if only we could harness its power, scientists say. If the sun's gravity could be used to create a giant telescope, people could send and receive intensely magnified signals that could allow us to call an alien civilization...
  12. buttman302

    [Cool!] Voyager near Solar System's edge

    By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News, San Francisco Voyager is approaching the edge of the bubble of charged particles the Sun has thrown out into space Voyager 1, the most distant spacecraft from Earth, has reached a new milestone in its quest to leave the Solar System. Now...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Voyager near Solar System's edge

    Voyager is approaching the edge of the bubble of charged particles the Sun has thrown out into space Voyager 1, the most distant spacecraft from Earth, has reached a new milestone in its quest to leave the Solar System. Now 17.4bn km (10.8bn miles) from home, the veteran probe has detected a...
  14. New UFO Hunter

    The German Cylindrical UFO "On September 29, 1944, at 10:45 a.m., a test pilot was trying out a new Messerschmitt Jet, ME 262 Schwalbe, when his attention was suddenly caught by two luminous points situated on his right. He shot at full speed in that direction and found himself face to...
  15. CASPER

    Cassini reveals oxygen atmosphere of Saturn's moon Rhea

    The Cassini-Huygens mission has discovered a tenuous atmosphere infused with oxygen and carbon dioxide at Saturn’s moon Rhea – the first time a spacecraft has captured direct evidence of an oxygen atmosphere at a world other than Earth. The NASA-led international mission made the discovery...
  16. New UFO Hunter

    NASA puts Alien Believers in a Spin with announcement of 'Astrobiology finding'

    NASA says it has something to share, Alien believers get very, very excited! TRUE believers are in a spin after a tantalising press release from NASA that says it has news to share about the search for alien life. The space agency this week announced a media conference to "discuss an...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Saturn’s moon Rhea may have a breathable atmosphere

    Saturn's icy moon Rhea has an oxygen and carbon dioxide atmosphere that is very similar to Earth's. Even better, the carbon dioxide suggests there's life - and that possibly humans could breathe the air. It seems oxygen is far more abundant than we ever suspected, particularly on...
  18. CASPER

    NASA Resurrects Cassini Spacecraft In Time for Saturn Moon Flyby

    NASA reawakened the Cassini spacecraft today (Nov. 24) from a forced hibernation while in orbit around Saturn, after three weeks of stalled science work due to a computer glitch. All of the probe's science instruments have been reactivated and the spacecraft is in good health, just in time to...
  19. CASPER

    30-Year Saturn Odyssey: From NASA's Voyagers to Cassini Today

    It's been 30 years since NASA's two Voyager spacecraft first visited Saturn, but the legacy of the discovery created by the probes still lingers at the ringed planet today. Voyager 1 made its closest flyby of Saturn 30 years ago today (Nov. 12) and its sister craft, Voyager 2, followed suit...
  20. CASPER

    Venus and Saturn Now Grace the Predawn Sky

    Venus and Saturn, two bright planetary gems of the sky, had been hiding from skywatchers in recent months, but they have returned with flair just ahead of the rising sun. In the complicated dance of the planets, both planets appear from Earth to have moved west of the sun and both are now...