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    Surprisingly "flat" Titan is soft on the inside

    Surprisingly "flat" Titan is soft on the inside Saturday, April 4, 2009 The giant Saturn moon Titan appears to be surprisingly non-spherical, which suggests that the interior of Titan huge reservoirs of liquid methane houses. Titan has a diameter of 5150 kilometers, which is larger than...
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    Time for new things to promising start

    Time for new things to promising start Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Barbara Hand Clow, March 26, 2009 It is the New Moon in Aries, the time for new things to promising start and an end to things that just lead nowhere. The Spring Equinox was a...
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    2009 Spring Equinox: March 20, 2009

    2009 Spring Equinox: March 20, 2009 by BARBARA HAND CLOW The spring equinox has arrived, and it is time to decide what we want to create during the rest of the year. As most of you know, the ancient goddess wisdom-Goddess Alchemy-is still available to us now. It teaches us how to use the...
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    Transition from four moons of Saturn

    Transition from four moons of Saturn Thursday, March 19, 2009 How often it happens that a transfer of four moons of Saturn in the picture is put? Not very often. Even for the Saturn-Cassini mission is a rare opportunity. On February 24, the Hubble Space Telescope (from an orbit around the...
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    UFO Sighting - Saskatoon, SK - Mar. 10, 2009

    Stars 2009 view day Stars 2009 view day Wednesday, March 18, 2009 At the national view day stars are everywhere in telescopes for the public to people observatories but also in many other places where amateur astronomers, individually or in groups are active. Here you will find a list of...
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    Iapetus, the Death Star and the Klerksdorp Spheres

    Iapetus, the Death Star and the Klerksdorp Spheres Monday, March 9, 2009 Iapetus (left) is one of the moons around Saturn is running. The Death Star (right) is a spaceship from Star Wars. Iapetus also said that it is a spaceship. It includes many straight lines in nature not occur. And...
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    Saturn Mantel possible source of outer ring

    Saturn Mantel possible source of outer ring Wednesday, March 4, 2009 The U.S. Cassini probe has discovered a new moon that the source of the outer ring can be reported to NASA. Scientists arrived on August 15 last year with a new moon Cassini on the trail around the gaslight. A sequence of...
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    Missing space rocks indicate planetary migration Monday, March 2, 2009

    Missing space rocks indicate planetary migration Monday, March 2, 2009 Scientists from the University of Arizona have encountered a strange case of missing asteroids. The asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, contains millions of rocky objects. Simulations predict a lot...
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    Do Astronomers Believe in Extraterrestrial Life? Thursday, February 26, 2009

    Do Astronomers Believe in Extraterrestrial Life? Thursday, February 26, 2009 The scoop: Believing that intelligent extra terrestrial life - better known as alien life - exists is one thing. Believing that they have visited Earth in our short time on the planet is another. Astron Omer...
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    Lulin comet reached closest distance to earth Tuesday, February 24, 2009

    Lulin comet reached closest distance to earth Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Lulin comet, which in July 2007 in Taiwan was discovered today reached its smallest distance from the earth: 61 million kilometers. The green comet (C/2007 N3 officially called) is from a dark place just observation...
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    Europe or Titan? The node will soon by minced Wednesday, February 18, 2009

    Europe or Titan? The node will soon by minced Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Two scientific teams have filed their final proposal for either a mission to Jupiter, Europa and Ganymede or a mission to Saturn, Titan and Enceladus. 9 and 10 March ESA and NASA should take a decision. What is the...
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    Aurora alert feb 9/09

    FEB 9/09 AURORA ALERT: Did you sleep through the Northern Lights? Next time get a wake-up call: Spaceweather PHONE. COMET LULIN UPDATE: Experienced observers report that Comet Lulin has brightened to naked-eye visibility from dark-sky sites. It looks like a pale "fuzzy patch" in the...
  13. Unhypnotized

    NASA Scientists Ask: Is Life Possibile on Saturn’s Moon, Enceladus?

    2008-12-20 NASA scientists are exploring the possibility that microbial life exist inside Enceladus, where no sunlight reaches, photosynthesis is impossible and no oxygen is available. Until the two Voyager spacecraft passed near Enceladus, the sixth-largest moon of Saturn, in the early 1980s...
  14. Rumas

    Jordan Maxwell - Water of Grace, Water of Life

    Description: This Documentary goes through Jordan Maxwell's life, influences, and research from the perspective of a former fan of Maxwell' s who after "doing his homework" found that Maxwell often is totally making it up, and doesn't even try back up a majority of the things he says. At the...
  15. New UFO Hunter

    Flying saucer runs on plasma

    2 schematics for plasma powered Flying saucer runs on,Wow! New Flying Saucer Runs on Plasma | LiveScience