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    Condi Rice: ‘I’ve a deep affinity with Israel’

    Former US secretary of state, Dr. Condoleeza Rice visited Israel in 2000 for the first time. Later she gave an interview to Israeli daily Yediot Aharnot saying she “already then felt that I am returning home despite the fact that this was a place I never visited”. She also told the daily, “I...
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    ‘Israel-First’ UK Defense Minister forced to resign

    British Foreign Secretary, Dr. Liam Fox 50, resigned on Friday over scandal with his long-time gayfriend Adam Werritty 34. Werritty, later served Fox’s best man at Fox’s 2005 marriage to Dr. Jesme Baird. British Prime Minister, Israel-Firster David Cameron has appointed millionaire Dr. Philip...
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    NATO: ‘Taliban are returning’

    NATO: ‘Taliban are returning’ | Rehmat's World
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    India to fight US-proxy war in Afghanistan

    After totally defeated in Afghanistan by Taliban who control nearly 80% of the country – Washington is pushing India to fill its role in Afghanistan. Most of the US-NATO occupation forces are expected to withdraw from most parts of Afghanistan by end of 2014 due to enormous finacial and human...
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    Haqqani group was once CIA’s ‘blue-eyed boy’

    Last week Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton said her department will designate Haqqani group a ‘terrorist group’. However, on Thursday, Washington faced with very hostile reaction from Islamabad pulled back from its earlier threat and put symbolic sanctions against some individuals (Abdul Aziz...
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    US threatens Pakistan over Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline

    Ben-Obama’s administration has threatened Islamabad to abandon its multi-billion dollar Iran-Pakistan gas pipe line (I-P) deal singned in Istanbul last year. Under pressure from pro-Israel lobby groups, Washington wants Pakistan to pursue the delayed Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India...
  7. 100th Monkey

    'Navy Seal Team That "Killed" (Didn't Kill) Osama Bin Laden Now All Dead'

    '31 American military personnel were killed when the Boeing Chinook helicopter in which they were flying crashed in Afghanistan.*Of the thirty-one killed, twenty were members of SEAL Team 6. More importantly, I’ve been reliably informed (by a retired Colonel, US Army intel) that these very...
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    The ‘Taliban Surge’

    On August 6, 2011 – US-installed President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai announced that 31 US soldiers and 7 Afghan soldiers died in a ISAF holicopter which was shot down by Taliban in the centeral Maidan Wardak Province. Karzai expressed condolences to US President Barack Obama and the families...
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    Zionism’s favorite Iranian terrorists

    Early this month, a Congressional hearing was held on Capitol Hill, to make recommendation to Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton to take-off Iranian terrorist group Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) from the US terrorist list. The hearing was headed by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Chairman of the House...
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    Obama’s Afghan ‘military drawdown’ rant

    On Wednesday, Barack Obama announced that he has decided to pull-out 10,000 US forces from Afghanistan by September. However, the details of the pull-out will be decided by the ‘Zionism’s military poodle’, Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the US occupation forces in Afghanistan and Obama’s...
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    NYT: ‘Iran and Hizbullah linked to 9/11′

    The New York Tims published a latest Israel Hasbara (propaganda) piece written by Benji Weiser on May 19, 2011, saying: “Iranian officials had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks“. He also claimed that 9/11 Commision Report “found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the planning for...
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    Obama holds secret talks with Taliban

    As result of some massonic mircles, such as the second death of Osama bin Laden, removal of Gen. David Petraus, the Zionist military poodle from Afghanistan and the death of AF-Pak Guru, the Zionist Richard Halbrooke’s untimely death - Obama administration has accelerated direct talks with...
  13. CASPER

    How the Arab Spring Made Bin Laden an Afterthought

    There were no banners hailing Osama bin Laden in Egypt's Tahrir Square; no photos of his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri at anti-government protests in Tunisia, Libya or even Yemen, a key staging ground for Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and bin Laden's ancestral home. An occasional image would...
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    Guantanamo Files: ‘The good and the bad guys’

    Recently British daily Guardian ran a story based on more than 750 leaked US military files containing secret assessments of 779 detainees at the notorious Guantanamo Bay torture camp, entitled the Guantanamo Files. Currently, 172 detainess are still kept inside the camp without trial while the...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Wikileaks Julian Assange - Latest Exclusive Interview with ABC TV Australia 4/11/2011

    ABC 7.30 Program Click link below to Watch Video...26 mins duration http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2011/s3188451.htm Transcript LEIGH SALES: Julian Assange: given your circumstances, is Wikileaks currently operational? JULIAN ASSANGE: we have increased our publishing since late last...
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    Failed ‘Qaddafi Project’ and the ‘blowback’

    The President of Libya Jumhurriya, Muammar al-Qaddafi, recently sent a message to Barack Obama, calling him ‘son’(!!): “As you know too well democracy and building of civil society cannot be achieved by means of missiles and aircraft, or by backing armed member of Al-Qaeda in Benghazi”. The...
  17. CASPER

    Taliban truck explosion kills 23 in Afghanistan

    KABUL, Afghanistan – A team of suicide bombers shot their way into the compound of a road construction company in eastern Afghanistan and detonated a truck loaded with explosives, killing 23 people and wounding about 60, the Afghan government said Monday. The Taliban claimed responsibility for...
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    Obama: ‘Can I speak to Nasrallah, please!’

    David Ignatius, the Zionist Jew columinst who as Moderator did not allow Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to finish his response to Israel’s President Shimon Peres’ rant at the World Economic Forum (2009) in Davos (Switzerland) – in his Opinion-Post in the Washington Post (March 17...
  19. CASPER

    Suicide bomber kills 36 at funeral in NW Pakistan

    PESHAWAR, Pakistan – A suicide bomber struck a funeral attended by anti-Taliban militiamen in northwestern Pakistan on Wednesday, killing at least 36 mourners and wounding more than 100 in the deadliest militant attack in the country this year. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility. The...
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    Rep. Peter King: ‘IRA terror supporter to judge Muslims’

    “I am willing to be called a bigot if that’s what takes to target Muslim community,” Rep. Peter King, Think Progress, December 20, 2010. Congressman Peter King (R-NY), chairman the House Homeland Security committee is pushing Zionist Lobby agenda. He has announced to conduct a hearing to...