the devil

  1. R

    The Secret Covenant Filed under:NWO Control Chemtrails Drugs Fluoride Health

    The Secret Covenant Filed under:NWO Control Chemtrails Drugs Fluoride Health July 3, 2003 - 18:20 This text is copied from The Bankindex who claim NOT know who he or she is. The piece came in through one of theirr forms and the Author left an unusable e-mail address. Written by UNKNOWN...
  2. R

    The satanic elite and child abduction

    The Illuminati News The Challenge to Protect Children The satanic elite and child abduction by "The Satanic Elite and Child Abduction" Blog Spot, Feb 11, 2009 Category: Human Sacrifice & Children Sacrificed to Satan Madeleine McCann T he world-wide...
  3. R

    Illuminati Recordings expect Christians in 2012'

    Illuminati Recordings expect Christians in 2012' Last updated: Monday, December 29 , 2008 According to a school klappende illumination-insider knows supposed select group of world rulers behind the scenes all times that the "recording" of Christians actually take place. They will be in 2012...
  4. R

    The giants 2.0

    The giants 2.0 Last updated: Sunday, January 4 at 01:21, 100 views Groningen, Sunday, January 4, 2009 When one speaks today of giants, it means soon people suffering from the nasty disease: acromegaly. This is caused by overproduction of growth hormone: somatotrophin and ensure that...
  5. day

    An African Holy Man Speaks Out: the Testimony of Samuel Kanco

    An African speaks out about spiritual realities both good and bad-- he relays the truth about his generational line and what being a witchdoctor a term he uses meant-- he describes the demons and the underwater city and how real this is and a book that God asked him to write to tell...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Lyssa Royal Holt - Before Mankind, What was really on Earth

    That Woman could be providing useful information.. Just jump to 2:45 minute of the video. Nevertheless check her out: Her name is: Lyssa Royal Holt Website: