
  1. Unhypnotized

    What is "Your" Cell Phone Radiation Level?

    Hello All, Most of us are aware of cell phone technology emitting radiation (EMR-Electro Magnetic Radiation/RFR- Radio Frequency Radiation). I've intended to pass this along, but I get lost at times. At any rate, below is a link that will give you specific cell phone radiation levels for all...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Terahertz Wave Body Scanners Destroy DNA

    Technology Review November 1, 2009 Editor’s note: Airport body scanners not only show you naked, they also have the potential to wreck your DNA. The body scanners use terahertz waves to show your privates and terahertz waves rip apart DNA, as the following article explains. A new model of the...
  3. R

    Brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo warns against mobiles, home appliances

    Brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo warns against mobiles, home appliances By Cheryl Critchley Herald Sun October 28, 2009 02:00am Dr Charlie Teo, from Channel 7's Last Chance Surgery, says it's better to avoid electro-magnetic radiation / Supplied BRAIN cancer surgeon Charlie Teo has urged...
  4. Unhypnotized

    The Physics of Miracles ~ Richard Bartlett Interview ~ Coast to Coast AM 10/15

    Coast to Coast AM ~ 15 Oct 2009 ~ Healing, Miracles & Alternate Universes Naturopathic physician and pioneer in revolutionary healing techniques, Dr. Richard Bartlett discussed how miracles are possible, and their relationship to quantum physics and alternate universes. In 2007, he said he had...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Cell Phone Use Linked to Brain Tumors

    Daily Express October 24, 2009 Long-term mobile phone users could face a higher risk of developing cancer in later life, according to a decade-long study. The report, to be published later this year, has reportedly found that heavy mobile use is linked to brain tumours. The survey of 12,800...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Red Bull Drink = Slow Death?

    Red Bull Drink = Slow Death? From Helmi 10-12-9 http://www.rense.com/general88/bull.htm France & Denmark have banned it from the country... RED BULL - slow death ... Do NOT drink this drink anymore! Pay attention...read everything... As a public health safety, please pass on this email to...
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    Vitamin D - What They Do not Want You to Know!

    Vitamin D - What They Do not Want You to Know! Vitamin D - What They Doesn't Want You to Know! Video UFO Videos & Aliens | Top 10 Secret Photos | Unexplained PhenomenaVitamin D - What They Doesn't Want You to Know! Video
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    Sunlight cures skin cancer

    Sunlight cures skin cancer Wednesday, September 23, 2009 ROTTERDAM - People with a high concentration of vitamin D are more likely to survive colon or skin cancer than people with a deficit. Sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D. Colorectal cancer patients with high vitamin...
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    Cannabis treats prostate cancer, study finds

    Cannabis treats prostate cancer, study finds Monday, August 24, 2009 Following the growing interest in medical benefits of cannabis, a new study finds that the compound can help fight prostate cancer. According to the study published in the British Journal of Cancer, chemicals found in...
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    (Part 1/12) Aspartame Warning -- Coast to Coast

    (Part 1/12) Aspartame Warning -- Coast to Coast
  11. CASPER

    The Handbook of Natural Cures

    English | PDF | 265 Pages | Size: 1.26 MB Introduction What, you may ask, is a public relations man doing writing a book on nature cure ? The answer is simple : good health ought to be everybody’s concern, not solely the medical profession’s business. More importantly, in my own case, I...
  12. CASPER

    Coming Soon: Lung-Cancer Spray?

    MONDAY, June 15 (HealthDay News) -- Scientists may someday be able to fight lung cancer using gene therapy delivered by an inhalable spray. In a new study, mice with lung cancer that were treated with a vaporized viral vector twice a week for four weeks had fewer, smaller tumors than untreated...
  13. CASPER

    Envisioning, imaging, and mental pictures

    JUST AS I PICTURED IT ... Visualization is a form of concentrative meditation that is a movie-style use of imagination - turning a thought or emotion or expectation into visual form or images. This is not quite the same as a dream, in that it is intentionally directed - your mind thinks it and...
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    Seventh chakra

    Seventh chakra Monday, May 11, 2009 Seventh chakra: The seventh chakra, the crown chakra, is located on top of your head, your crown. The color of this chakra is purple or white and it is for our highest spiritual knowledge, bliss and gratitude. The seventh chakra the seat of wholeness...
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    Discovery of genetic "brake" may develop MS and cancer delay

    Discovery of genetic "brake" may develop MS and cancer delay Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Scientists have the genetic "brake" found that diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis could slow down or stop, it is claimed. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh said that their findings may...
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    Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer Want Better Information

    Medical News: Breast Cancer By Kristina Fiore, Staff Writer, MedPage Today Published: March 13, 2009 Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco Earn CME/CE credit for reading medical news ST. GALLEN, Switzerland...
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    Red Bull, time for the human body!

    Red Bull, time for the human body! Friday, March 13, 2009 The drink is sold in all supermarkets in our country. It sells in fashion, each of us can consume, and we try to just out of curiosity. ... and that can be fatal. RED BULL...
  18. R

    Mobile phone radiation is carcinogenic

    Mobile phone radiation is carcinogenic Thursday, December 25, 2008 AMSTERDAM -- It seems that there is now a definitive response on whether the radiation from mobile phones cause cancer or not. The initial results of the largest studies ever conducted in this area shows that many people who...
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    Car bombing of Doctor Feb 4th

    * * An explosive device went off in the car of a prominent Arkansas doctor as federal agents investigated the blast outside his home that critically injured him, a spokesman with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms told FOX News. The explosion happened Wednesday in the driveway of...
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    strange creature found in Ben Fulfords Spine

    quote: "On January 22nd I had a major operation. They opened a 13 centimer section of my spinal cord and removed a tumour. The doctors say they have never, in thousands of operations, ever seen a tumour like it. It looks like a salamander and has clearly defined eyes and a tail. I took a...