united kingdom

  1. Unhypnotized

    EPIC FAIL: The US Government’s History Of Fake Bin Laden Tapes

    With this track record how can anyone trust anything the White House says about Osama? Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com May 3, 2011 By the time you read this the White House will most likely have produced *a grainy pixelated image of a man in a turban with half his face blown as conclusive proof...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Osama Bin Laden, Carlyle Group and Mormon Illuminati

    Bushes and Bin Laden family were closer than you think. "The Bin Laden Group (Fahd Al-Rasheed, CEO, Emaar.E.C and Omar Bin Laden, Chairman, Saudi Bin Laden Group, on right) is a multinational construction conglomerate and holding company for the assets owned by the bin Laden family. It was...
  3. R

    Israel: The rich parasite state

    A few months ago, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) irked the Zionist Lobby, when he told CNN’s Jewish talk-show host Wolf Blitzer that under crushing economic picture in the US, Washington needs to stop its billions of dollars of annual aid to Israel. Since its creation by the western powers, Israel has...
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Did Aliens Establish a Primitive Postcode System in Ancient Britain?

    'Every single location in the UK is at the convergence of three or more ley lines between ancient monuments. As I type this, the line formed by the ancient Brill Earthworks and the Southam Holy Well crosses the line running through Morden Park Mound and the Leydene Ditches, pinpointing my...
  5. R

    Polygamy and West’s ‘demographic decline’

    In the so-called ‘civilized’ western world, the solutions to women’s abuse among their societies through sex-slavery under different names, family breakdown, nudity, pornography, adultery, etc. – are tagged on the ‘old-fashioned’ Islamic teachings, which are considered incompatible with...
  6. R

    Bibi: ‘Israel may lose Egypt next’

    Last week in Jerusalem, the Zionist entity’s prime minister, Benji Netanyahu, told ambassadors from EU countries: “I am very concerned over some of the voices we’ve been hearing from Egypt recently. I’m especially concerned over the current Egyptian foreign minster’s statements.” I am not sure...
  7. R

    Gaza Flotilla II and Vittorio Arrigoni

    The kidnapping and assassination of Vittorio Arrigoni, activist and correspondent of the International Solidarity Movement with Palestine in Gaza – was meant as an Israeli warning: “Stay away from Gaza and Palestine”. Allegedly the kidnapping and assassination was carried out by pro-Saudi group...
  8. R

    America’s child sex slaves

    We all know how Washington is obsessed with human rights violations in foreign countries, especially the Muslim world. So much so, that State Deparment issues its own annual human rights report – because it believes that United Nations Human Right Council is baised toward Washington and its...
  9. Unhypnotized

    The sinking of Japan 5 years before the March 11 earthquake

    TOKYO -This 2006 Japanese disaster movie may be the future fate of Japan. The similarities between what happens in the movie and what happened after the March 11, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (東日本大震災, Higashi Nihon Daishinsai, literally “Eastern Japan Great Earthquake Disaster”) is...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Globalist Coalition using 'Depleted Uranium Weapons' on Lybia..!

    Libya: Increased Airstrikes, Ground Troops, Contractors, Civilians Killed, Deadly DU Munitions – Can We Call This A War Yet? April 12, 2011 The globalist coalition refers to it as ‘Kinetic Military Action’ , yet as more civilians are killed in NATO bombings, and with experts adamant that...
  11. Unhypnotized

    'UK Mortgages to Soar and Interest Rates to Quadruple in a Year’

    'Interest rates are set to quadruple within a year, adding more than £100 a month to a typical mortgage, a senior Bank of England adviser has warned. Families should brace themselves for a rate rise as officials try to get to grips with soaring inflation, said Andrew Sentance, of the Bank’s...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Britain sues Iceland for £3.5billion for refusing to pay back bailout cash

    London Metro April 11, 2011 Iceland is to be sued by Britain and the Netherlands to recover £3.5billion lost when its banking system collapsed. But the legal action will take at least 18 months to resolve, the British government has been warned. The move follows a referendum in Iceland that...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Prince William and Kate Middleton's Bloodline - (Kissing Cousins)..!

    Wills and Kate, kissing cousins! How the Royal lovebirds are related thanks to a Tudor tyrant so bloodthirsty he's been airbrushed from history! A dark and deliciously murky secret hovers over the continuing relationship between Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton - a skeleton so...
  14. R

    Julian Assange to turn heat on Israel

    Julian Assange, Australian journalist, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Wikileaks, who has so far released no secret information damaging Israel – may be ready to do so in the near future. In a recent phone interview with Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot, from Britian estate where he is under...
  15. R

    Turkey’s ‘Roadmap’ for Libya

    On April 7, 2011 – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his government’s ‘roadmap’ to resolve the war on Libya by the US, France, Britain and NATO. Turkey’s roadmap includes three key elements to resolve the conflict which was planned by the western powers to steal Libyan vast...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Jesse Ventura Exposes 9/11 Stand Down Order

    New book, 63 Documents The Government Doesn’t Want You To Read, blows the lid off top secret black ops Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com April 5, 2011 In a stunning new book, 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You To Read, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura presents a broad range...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Save the planet by having fewer babies, says BBC presenter as he calls for tax breaks for small families

    LIZ THOMAS UK Daily Mail April 5, 2011 BBC wildlife expert Chris Packham has warned the only way to protect the future of the planet is to curb population growth. The Springwatch presenter suggested offering Britons tax breaks to encourage them to have smaller families. He effectively...
  18. R

    Goldstone sucummbed to Jewish Lobby pressure

    Under severe pressure from Israel and Jewish Lobby groups’ frenzied campaign in South Africa, Britain and the US against his family and friends has cranked the South African Zionist Jewish judge Richard Goldstone. On Saturday – in a Op-Ed in the Washington Post, Richard Goldstone retracted from...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Secret Illegal War Of Aggression Has Been Raging In Libya For Weeks

    UN Resolution or no UN resolution, US and British spies have been coordinating war for oil for some time Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com March 31, 2011 The corporate mainstream media has just caught up to the reality of the situation in Libya that we have been reporting for weeks. Before...
  20. R

    Holland – Sports and the ‘anti-Semitism’ Hoax

    Though located in the Middle East, Israeli teams play in several EU countries - as a member of the Union of European Football Associations. During a Belgium-Israel football game on January 28, 2004, the fans of Belgian soccer player, Mustapha Toukouki, pulled out Hamas and Hezbollah flags, then...