
  1. R

    Wikileaks: ‘Israel’s next Hizbullah nightmare’

    On April 8, 2011 – Israeli daily Ha’aretz published a Wikileak exclusive, saying that the Zionist-regime expects the next war against Hizbollah will last two months, during which 24,000 to 36,000 rockets and missiles are expected to be launched at Israel − about 6,000 of them aimed at Tel Aviv...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Wikileaks UFO: Julian Assange's Secret Messages released...

    Regardless of whether you believe in Reverse Speech, you will find several significant Clear Reversals inside of the Youtube Video following... "Wikileaks founder Julian Assange unconsciously released intelligence regarding the ET presence on Earth during a recent interview on CBS...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Egypt: Wikileaks to the Rescue

    Tony Cartalucci March 27, 2011 Once again, Wikileaks provides suspiciously timed help for a globalist in need. Mohamed ElBaradei, US*International Crisis Group trustee and leader of the*Western-backed &*trained youth movementthat helped remove Hosni Mubarak from power, has been...
  4. V

    ufo activity worldwide on the rise and ex military officials providing evidence of such unexplained activity?

    Full disclosure through wikileaks ???? hmmmm
  5. New UFO Hunter

    Is new Jerusalem UFO video proof that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth?

    March 20, 2011. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic Shrine built over Jerusalem's Temple Mount Eligael Gedalyovich, who released the first video of a UFO hovering over the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem on January 28, 2011, claims to have found new video that reveals in...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Massive Cover-Up Of Radiation Levels In Fukushima Prefecture

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Wednesday, March 16, 2011 A data map of radiation levels in Japan posted on the TargetMap website has omitted information from the Fukushima Prefecture where nuclear reactors are currently melting down. The map reports a “survey” of the area is currently...

    WikiLeaks, released on Monday emails of Hacker group releases B of A employee correspondence

    CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) – Anonymous, a hacker group sympathetic to WikiLeaks, released on Monday emails that it obtained from someone who said he is a former Bank of America Corp employee. In the emails dating from November 2010, people that appear to be employees of a Balboa...

    WikiLeaks: As AIG crumbled, China stepped in as broker

    U.S. officials believe China's insurance regulator passed on proprietary information about AIG to its Chinese rivals during the American firm's collapse in 2008, according to unpublished diplomatic cables. The U.S. government bailout of American International Group Inc in 2008 sent shock waves...
  9. Unhypnotized

    US probes ‘Anonymous’ hacker threat over WikiLeaks soldier

    AFP Wednesday, March 9, 2011 WASHINGTON — The Pentagon said Tuesday it had requested an investigation into a hacker group’s reported cyber threat against a military base that is being used to hold a US soldier suspected of giving documents to WikiLeaks. Pentagon spokesman Colonel David Lapan...
  10. Unhypnotized

    'Rubber Stamp' - Full Julian Assange speech after Extradition Ruling...

    The founder of the whistleblowing website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, will be sent to Sweden to face sex crime charges. A London Court has just ruled that Stockholm's extradition bid has been successful. Lawyers for Assange have a week to appeal Thursday's decision. Speaking to reporters outside...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Wikileaks update (and "beyond")

    (CNN) -- WikiLeaks could have one foot in the online grave. It's been months since its last major leak, and its staff members -- former and current -- say it's so thinly staffed and broke that it can't dissect a massive file a whistle-blower handed over, allegedly naming rich and...
  12. CASPER

    Wikileaks: Gadhafi family a web of greed, nepotism

    CAIRO – The children of Moammar Gadhafi were increasingly engaged in recent months in covering up scandals fit for a "Libyan soap opera," including negative publicity from extravagant displays of wealth, such as a million-dollar private concert by pop diva Beyonce, according to a new batch of...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Australian ABC Program Q&A Discusses Wikileaks & Egypt (Special Guest John Pilger)

    Latest Program: Monday 14 February 2011 CLICK LINK BELOW to watch the show: Goes for approx. 1 hour... NOTE: John Pilger openly states that part of the 'Wikileaks Insurance File' as told to him personally by Julian Assange contains damaging information on...
  14. CASPER

    WikiLeaks: Saudis running out of oil

    The latest startling revelation to come via documents leaked to Julian Assange's muckraking website and published by The Guardian should give pause to every suburban SUV-driver: U.S. officials think Saudi Arabia is overpromising on its capacity to supply oil to a fuel-thirsty world. That sets up...
  15. F

    Wikileaks releasing documents showing Britain scretly helped with release of Lockerbie Bomber

    Supposedly British Ministry officials gave detailed legal advice aiding in the release of Abdelbaset al Megrahi, aka the Lockerbie Bomber. Britain has been denying involvement, saying that it was strictly the Scottish Executive, but Wikileaks say they have evidence proving otherwise. This is...
  16. CASPER

    WikiLeaks to release over half a million 9/11 intercepts.

    From 3AM on Wednesday November 25, 2009, until 3AM the following day (US east coast time), WikiLeaks will release over half a million US national text pager intercepts. The intercepts cover a 24 hour period surrounding the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington. To foster a...
  17. R

    Chomsky: ‘Why Arabs hate US’

    The MIT Jewish professor Noam Chomsky is a famous critic of Washington’s Middle East policy. He always blame the military complex for shaping US foreign policy in the Muslim world while claiming that Israel has no power over US administration. Last year, American author Jeffrey Blankfort had...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Julian Assange Speaks - Melbourne's Federation Square Live - 4th Feb 2011

    'Julian Assange joins a public discussion on wikileaks and freedom of speech.' Here is a recording of the broadcast that just occurred in Melbourne 4th Feb 2011: --------------- Speakers: Julian Assange - via videolink Jennifer Robinson - Assange's UK...
  19. CASPER

    Analysis: Egypt's Al Jazeera bans shows channel's key role

    Egypt's decision on Sunday to close the offices of Al Jazeera illustrates the leading role the Arabic broadcaster has taken in reporting unprecedented popular revolts against Arab rulers. Egypt has often harassed the Qatar-based channel since it started in 1996, setting off a revolution in...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Q&A with WikiLeaks to follow US "60 Minutes" interview with Julian Assange

    January 27, 2011 Julian Assange to Appear on "60 Minutes" Sunday Steve Kroft Interviews the Controversial Founder of WikiLeaks (CBS) Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, has given a lengthy interview to Steve Kroft for a segment to be broadcast on "60 Minutes" this Sunday...