A Brief History of Chemtrails by Chris Thomas

Truth Vibrations

New member
Here is a very good write up on Chemtrails from 2011:

At the end of 2009, the British government very reluctantly acknowledged that they were chemically seeding the atmosphere "as a means of combating global warming" – see later.

However, the dumping of chemicals into the atmosphere goes back many years. For more details of this and the underlying reasons see my book, written with Dave Morgan, called "Project Human Extinction" which has chapters and appendices detailing the use of chemicals and biological agents either as weapons testing or population control.

Also see numerous articles on the internet which detail the kinds of chemicals that are being dumped into our atmosphere by both military and civilian aircraft.

The first use of air-borne biological agents was by the Japanese in 1941 and 1942 when they sprayed the Chinese mainland with bubonic plague from aircraft. This spraying from aircraft was noted by the American Military who began their own testing programmes on their own populations. In 1949, the US Army began a 20 year programme of simulated germ warfare attacks against American cities, conducting at least 293 open air tests. These are the first known use of "chemtrails".

The effect of the chemicals was studied by the vivisection of farm animals, most notably cattle, and this is the actual reason for the animal mutilations which have been blamed on UFO's. They are nothing to do with UFO's with the military involvement being confirmed by a secret FBI investigation published under the Freedom of Information Act a few years ago.

Added to this biological weapons use is the deliberate destruction of the bee population. Bees are the planet's primary pollinators but are not needed for Genetically Modified crops. Therefore, as far as the GM companies are concerned, if there are no bees, no crops will grow and people will turn to GM to feed themselves.

I have a personal experience of this in that in September 2009, I woke up to find the sky over my house had a grid pattern of chemtrails. In that September, there had been a glut of fruit and an extremely high wasp and bee population.

Three days after the grid pattern chemtrails there was not a bee or a wasp to be seen.

Nexus magazine published a letter of mine at the time of this incident which produced a crop of letters from others confirming similar experiences. A similar letter was published in Nexus in October of last year written by someone in Yorkshire giving exactly the same story – a grid pattern of chemtrails with a noticeable death of bees.

The problem does not only relate to bees, all insects have been affected and this is one of the major reasons for the decline in bird numbers as there are not enough insects for them to eat. There's a simple way of checking this. Twenty years ago, if you drove anywhere rural at night, you had to wash the windscreen, headlamps and radiator grille of the car to clear off all of the dead bugs: this is no longer necessary as there are no longer enough insects to cause this problem.

So what is the purpose of chemtrails?

There seem to be several reasons apart from the testing of biological weapons.

From some of the chemical analysis reports I have read, some of the chemicals are specifically designed to reduce soil fertility. In other words, to destroy the production of food crops. Again, this seems to tie in with the wants of the GM companies.

However, there is also the question of population control. In 1992, The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Earth Summit took place in Rio de Janeiro. Out of this summit came the "Biodiversity Treaty" and "Agenda 21".

The stated aim of these agendas is to reduce the world's human population to "a sustainable 500,000,000" (five hundred million). Given that the official world population figure puts the global human population as around 6,500,000,000 (six billion, five hundred million) it means that the global population must be reduced by six billion people by the year 2050 – the date given at the summit – that is 350,000 people per day or 128 million per year.

The way in which chemtrails work in respect to the Rio Summit is to make people susceptible to illness.

The chemicals sprayed are designed to give people the "first half" of an illness: for example, some of the chemtrails have contained chemicals which affected the lungs. This lung weakness then made the body more receptive to illnesses such as Bird Flue, Avian Flue (different strain to bird flue) and Swine Flue. The "second half" of these illnesses would be given either by further chemtrails or by annual flue vaccinations.

To return to climate control.

We have had steadily climbing global temperatures since 1850; this is an undisputed fact. However, the reason for this temperature rise is not anthropogenic (man-made).

Despite Al Gore's infamous "hockey stick graph" (which has been legally proven a fake – Al Gore "averaged out" the actual figures to give a deliberately misleading graph) which most people have assumed to show actual climate change, the truth is (from official and Met Office figures) that when temperatures began to rise in about 1800, the cause of the rise was due to increased sun activity.

Between the years of about 1450 and 1850, the average global temperature was below freezing. In 1850, the temperature began to rise above freezing and continued climbing until 2000 where temperatures stopped rising. Since 2000, global temperatures have actually dropped slightly – by only about 0.1 of a degree – so we do not have "runaway global warming" caused by human production of carbon dioxide, what we do have is an increase in Sun activity since the early 1800's and this increased Sun activity stopped in 2000 where the Sun entered a period known as a "Maunder Minimum" – see my book Synthesis for more detail on this.

The Friends of the Earth produced their own figures for annual carbon dioxide production and found that "human activities" produce about 26 million tonnes whilst the Earth naturally produces about 980 tonnes.

The British government has stated that they are "chemically seeding" the atmosphere to combat global warming. The main ingredient of this "seeding" is water vapour, or by another name, clouds. The argument is that by increasing cloud cover global warming can be combated by reflecting the Sun's heat back out into space.

But, cloud cover actually causes global warming by trapping hot air close to the Earth's surface. As an example: think of a winter's night, the sky is clear and we have a severe frost. The following night is cloudy but there is no frost as the cloud cover acts like a duvet and holds the heat close to the surface – see reports and studies by the likes of Professor David Bellamy for more detail on this.

So the British government policy of cloud seeding will not combat global warming but will, in fact, increase it. Why would they want to do this?

In order to make us believe that global warming is happening and that all of the other ludicrous policies that go with their strategies are necessary and to keep us in a state of fear – a population living in fear is easily manipulated, their health suffers and the process of consciousness reintegration is slowed, if not stopped.

In summary: The reason for chemtrails is population control and population reduction as well as promoting GM crops.

In addition to the use of chemtrails, there is the fluoridation of drinking water. This is not natural Calcium Fluoride as most believe but chemically produced sodium fluoride (Hexafluorosilicic Acid) a known carcinogen and the cause of many other health problems. It is more toxic than lead.

The increased uses of pharmaceutical drugs that are know to be harmful.

The British Medical Association states that in Britain, 250,000 people per year are hospitalised by drug reactions of which 10,000 die every year. The American Medical Association states that in America 136,000 people die each year directly from adverse effects of prescribed drugs.

The AMA also states, in its 5 year study published in 2008, that medical treatment (of all kinds) is responsible for killing two and three quarter million people per year in America alone. Given medical treatment is global; the global death rate is probably in the region of 10 million at least. This is a long way from the Hippocratic Oath – first do no harm!