Facebook has been accessing and reading the personal text messages



'A report published by the London Sunday Times has revealed that Facebook has been accessing and reading the personal text messages of users of their social networking app.

Unfortunately the report itself is locked behind a pay wall, but the report has been partially summarized by Fox News (let’s just hope it’s more accurate than most of their reporting).

Facebook has reportedly even admitted reading the text messages, claiming that they were accessing data without the knowledge of users as part of a trial in an effort to launch their own messaging service.'

Read more: Facebook: World’s Most Appalling Spying Machine
Nothing you put on Facebook is yours the terms of service basically allow them to keep anything you post on their site. Sad part is every single person I know is on Facebook sharing every single personal piece of information they have with all their friends and the FBI and the CIA in anything else in between.

It makes me sick these people are lost!
So just disable your accounts. Delete everything you can. Unfriend everyone. Block all apps. Shut the thing down. I read also that employers and educational institutions are asking for FB passwords now. Not long before everyone has to bend over for more violations of privacy. It goes against FB's own policy but there ya go.

Bring the whole thing down. When I closed my profile, they sent me an email stating that it was slated for deletion in two weeks. Deletion. It's still in a Google search of my name - far too much info available right there without having to access your actual profile. We really have to stop being so bloody blue-eyed about our privacy and security. We really have been stupid and naïve.
I have a Facebook page and I hate it... not sure why I have one I've had it for a long time now. I haven't been on in a while, I log on once in a while to see whats going on with friends and family and stay in touch suppose. but i feel dirty when ever I use it because of what I know about it!
OMG, the CIA, ooops I mean Facebook, is accessing the data their collecting from the world? Gee, surprise surprise. Facebook has access to more data about everyone in this world than could have ever been collected without it. Of course they'll be looking through personal messages between people. Don't you know, the CIA is looking for their next scapegoat "terrorist", and what better place to find him/her/them than facebook.

The drones give ALL their information on that site, JUST to be like everyone else. All the apps/games require your personal information just to play them, yet people willingly give it all up for a stupid little game. It makes me sick.
People are willingly giving out all their information, who need police profiling anymore when you have facebook?
Well you need to turn Facebook against them, I use it to post truth articles and my conspiracy research. I put very little personal information on Facebook, and try to plant some seeds.
I love that episode of ONION, so friggin true, yet because it's in the form of satire, people won't take it seriously. They laugh and blow it off, or they don't laugh cause they don't get it. I believe it IS exactly what Onion makes fun of it being. It makes too much sense; it fits the scenario. And hey, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.
Well if you think Facebook is bad take a look at the new Google you plus. They want all your information freely available to anybody who wants to get. Only this is Google has this information the will use it in ways we can't even imagine. They even put your face on posts on Google search.
My solution: Never sign in to Google (but you will be informed that "you're missing out" lol). I sure am, Google. I'm missing out oh so much. XD
Your right kotn never sign up...

Your only missing out if they are providing tools you can't get else where. ...and I am willing to bet they will make it mandatory to have a "you plus" account for things such a gmail and other service as soon as people will except it. Google/facebook needs its users without them they have nothing.
there are quite a few monsters that have been created...
ironically, in an information age, the truth is collected
the information gathered on you, was also gathered on them...
and, it will be used against them
it started out, with the possibility that maybe 100,000 users worldwide...
those at the top are propelled by greed
the world useage is expected to pass the five billion mark by 2019.
In 2016, an estimated 62.9 percent of the population worldwide already owned a mobile phone,
a funny stat, is that more people have 'access' to phone than to a toilet !!!
The mobile phone penetration is forecasted to continue to grow,
rounding up to 67 percent by 2019.
Most people pay over $50/mo, some nearly $100/mo for a devise that operates like a 'pocket tracker'
that can listen to everything you do, likely records every conversation you have, and,
has the ability to track you, everywhere you go
however, that information gathering when used in inverse ways
those who got real rich on you...are going to have their systems turned against them
and, the information systems is going to 'capture' alot of the 'real' criminals too
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