Legal Representation needed for Civil Rights/ Defamation claim


New member
I have a very complicated legal situation that began in 2009 as an Probate/Estate/ Contested Will matter. The matter was ruled by a Small Claims court as being a Family Law matter and according to legal counsel, I have been advised that I was illegally prevented from entering my home and the authorities may have violated my civil rights because instead of enforcing those rights, they publically humiliated me instead.

Therefore the case is now a Civil Rights matter which involves a Defamation claim because my character has been attacked in the media and it is multi jurisdictional in multiple states including California, Texas, New York and possibly Florida, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. Local and federal levels.

I have started to seek law firms in the District of Columbia. The problem is because defamation is the largest aspect of the case which is difficult to prove and costly and because my civil rights are involved, most law firms do not want to make the investment since my type of case is typically handled on contingency. I have been advised that I do have case, there has been wrong doing and I have clearly suffered damages however, it involves the federal government and the media. The attacks made against me have been carefully executed and until now, there hasn't been enough substantial evidence to build a strong enough case.

Based on preliminary estimates, my punitive damages could be significant.

I had asked a friend of mine to refer me to one of his attorneys however I have reason now to believe there could be a conflict on interest which has prevented him from acting on my behalf and in my best interest. Everyone else I know has burned their bridge with me by exploiting me, so I don't really have anyone else to ask for help.

I have prepared a slideshow presentation introducing my evidence.Alejandro-LadyGaga