[ALERT!] Removing the shackles--- paying the price for being AWAKE !

Re: re email addresses ?

It's probably best to send her your email through a private message, unless of course you don't mind everyone seeing that information.

Strange it didn't show up. I don't know what happened there.

I'm assuming that's in Alberta? I'm way over the other way in Ontario. :) Windsor. I've never been to Alberta, but I have friends that moved out that way.
Amazing connections.

You said...."will ask Ray about your Father. Ray has always worked in the power industry so he is mostly insulated from anything new. Plus he is one who doesn't ask questions. He had never heard of Tesla, and stood there proudly saying he was a cynic (how can you be a cynic when you have NEVER heard of something ??!!) Part of the reason I don't want to live with him.

I can sympathize. George and I have been together since 1967 and we have had a wonderful life. However... He truly has a difficult time understanding the kinds of things that I am sure we will be talking about here. As you know I moved about constantly when I was a kid... he grew up in the same house in the same small town on the North East Coast of the US..... very provincial. This is how their mind set works ( and it works well for them.... ... If I don't know about it already... then its not worth knowing about . If it had been important.... then I would have learned about it....if its not practical and something that lends itself to my day to day problems of existance....( how something works, how to repair something etc) then its just so much waste of time talking about.

He doesn't do this maliciously... and has a dear heart and is a brave man ( he has lived with me for all of these years) but basically if I tried to talk to him about Dads work.... or anything really DIFFERENT his eyes just kind of glaze over. I can stop what I am saying in mid sentence and he will not notice.! Ever had that happen? THATS when you realize that you have a problem. Any attempt I would make on demanding his attention isn't worth it.... sort of like romance... if you have to demand it.... You don't want it anymore. <g>

At one point in our lives together.... after all of those moves and all of the mystery surrounding them....I had just turned 22 and Dad announced suddenly that the project we had been working on for a few years was being shut down and that I should find my own life.... some would have thought that a crushing blow... but I took it as an open door.... and when I met George everything went in that direction.... He offered a safe harbor... which I have appreciated. The BEST thing about my relationship with George is that he has supplied me that loving safe harbor... the WORSTthing about that same relationship is that he has supplied me that same safe harbor...

I wonder how many of us out there have had to come to grips with that?

My goodness... what a colorful and travel filled life you have had Beverley!

Chores this morning but I will be back! Loved the pictures and thank you too Lady of Light for the instructions about the pictures and how to get them on here... I just have to learn more things on this end too and promise that I will work on that. It hasn't been important enough to me before now....

What is really funny about all of this is that I am so non technical when it comes to computers that my Grandson could put me to shame!.... I really just need to get with it. I laugh that my little hampsters running my old unit just can't keep up!. Times are changing though.... perhaps its time to step up my game. Linda
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Re: re email addresses ?

Hi ! I'll have to see if I can find it. I think I changed the subject line, so that might be the reason it disappeared.
I was only in Alberta, and didn't see much. It was so expensive getting the dogs back to Australia, $0000's of vet bills for the crazy restrictions here in Australia. PLUS they had to go into quarantine for a month after they got home, and that cost over $4,000.
Then again, we don't have rabies here and few other bad diseases. BUT, it was very expensive, plus I was paying rent and food etc. ! I DID enjoy being in Canada and left the day it really started to snow ! I kept telling Herbie NO SNOW until it was time to go, and it didn't !
In that missing post I asked if you had read/listened to that post on chakras ? I am really tossing this around, and it is VERY difficult when something you have believed in is really challenged. Would love to know what you think.
I did start to read through, but then was interrupted. I got as far as the point where it mentioned that they are like little vortexes that suck energy or are able to be sucked from. I'll have to go back and read/watch. From the little I DID read, I can see how/why things have been said of the chakras, but I'm not going to put an input in fully until I have gone through what's been stated. :)

Glad it didn't snow until after you had left. I hear they get crazy amounts of snow out there once it starts. That's crazy for those amounts of $, but, at least that is now behind you, right?

This has come to the point of yet another discussion where I can relate (the horses, the desert, strong pulls to certain areas, etc.), but I'll save that for another time and/or another thread. :) We're definitely connected on another level, all of us. :)
You have created an amazing group of people. I have been using the internet for about 20 years now and found different groups at times, but never one like this group where we seem to be joined at the navel. A truly great place to meet.
It's nice to meet people of like mind. Especially in a country like Australia which has a very similar land mass size as the US, but way less population, we're about 25,000,000 and spread thinly ! Hard to meet people like us that way ! Re horses, did you ride or breed ? What sort of horses ? We have a lot to talk about !
I will be really interested in what you think of that article. It makes sense in a lot of ways, especially as I found the article the day AFTER I found the audio.
Neither riding nor breeding, sadly, I haven't gotten that far.... yet. I'm still hoping to get into the horse thing. I volunteered for a while with therapeutic riding, and I've ALWAYS wanted since I could remember to have horses and do what you ladies have done. I'm still young, so I figure there's time. :) (That story will come, I'll probably start another thread where we can all talk about this stuff.) :)

I will read that article as soon as time permits, maybe I'll force myself to stay up a little later and read it before bed. :) Keeping my fingers crossed on that one. :)
I was thinking about the secrets behind the chakras. That was the one I read part of. :) There's so much that crosses my path in a day that I am easily confused, lol. Anyhow, I just read the article and a few of the comments. I'm quite exhausted now, so I'll get back to you on this tomorrow. :)

I'll be going over that Chakra one too! :) I'll read that over, hopefully, tomorrow. I'm off to bed. :)
I can't believe it's been a month already since I read that article. I've been so busy with everything under the sun and moon lately, I don't know where the time goes.


I love how they stood up and said NO to the rfid chips like that. Sometimes it takes those few brave folks to wake the rest up enough to give them courage to say NO. I don't know about you folks, but I am in that group of the FEW that stand up for what's right. Yes, I've taken some flack for it all, but as much as that backlash hurts sometimes, it's all worth it.

There will always be consequences (as long as the world is being run the way it is, with the current mindset) to standing up for what's right when you are awake enough to see what's going on. I've been 'one foot out of the matrix' my whole life, sucked into where only my toes stick out at times, but always that step out. When I was young, I kept quiet about the injustices (major or minor) that I saw, but as I got older, I guess I got braver and I've paid many a price for it. I've gotten fired from a job because of it. Mind you it wasn't the best of jobs anyhow, but that's beside the point. I don't let this stop me. If anything, it makes me stronger and it makes it easier with each step to continue. And it's important to do so.

By the initial few paying the price, it becomes easier and easier for everyone ELSE to not be so afraid and take the plunge. Eventually, we will see that snowball turn into napalm coming down that mountain. But we HAVE to keep chugging along and doing what's right anyhow.

There will always be people who don't want to listen to the awakened, but mostly those that don't listen (at least in my case and from what I've read about others) are the ones closest to you. I believe it's because they THINK they know you and have instilled beliefs about you that they cannot bring themselves to change. Thus enters the disrespect, which I recently had to deal with where a brother of mine was concerned. I can't hate him, but he's been told that if he's going to continue to disrespect me publicly, then he will be removed from having that ability.

So, paying the price can easily equal losing friends and family from our lives; temporarily or permanently. THAT is a big one when you care about people; it makes it difficult.

All I want to see in this world, hopefully within my lifetime, is the changeover of the way our society operates and thinks and lives. It CAN happen, and it WILL happen. I believe we've hit a turning point, and although we are at the top of that hill and seemingly hovering for the time being, we are changing things just by BEING AWAKE. I wouldn't change being awake and alert for anything, no matter the consequences.

I guess I kind of got rambling there for a bit, but I tend to do that from time to time. :)
"All I want to see in this world, hopefully within my lifetime, is the changeover of the way our society operates and thinks and lives. It CAN happen, and it WILL happen. I believe we've hit a turning point, and although we are at the top of that hill and seemingly hovering for the time being, we are changing things just by BEING AWAKE. I wouldn't change being awake and alert for anything, no matter the consequences.

And thank you for being the beacon of light there that I too have needed personally. I believe everything that you have written. I can feel us all in the midpoint of a pendulum swing... with change coming..... and we are in that moment of hesitation but I do believe in the GOOD that is coming .

It is difficult when those closest to you can't see it.... don't want to see it because change for them is a threat... not something to be welcomed....But if there is to be real change out there.... for me anyway.... I have to create the positive change in my own life....

Thats a decision for all of us.

And I really do wish you all the most strength and courage ........ its going to be a wonderful new year but it will be at times difficult and challenging.....

I had a vision a very long time ago... I shared it with the writer who was working on my Dads biography.... his reaction was so typical of him and I want to share it with you because it does sort of make my point here.

The vision that appeared suddenly was of a rider in desert robes.... a tribesman of some sort... he was mounted on a grey horse... and because I am a horseman I admired the way the horse was dancing...." bridled up" some call it..... where the horse really wants to be gone out of there but is aching his neck and waiting for permission from his rider. He was a wonderful horse and as he danced in place I could see the sand that his hooves picked up and scattered. They were on top of a huge sand dune and I couldn't see the other side.... I couldn't see the riders face but I recognized his green eyes..... he had a long staff with a banner attached to it..... As his horse fretted and danced under him he swung the banner and staff around his head in three big loops. Woosh.....around once....and I got the mental impression..." For the Past"... a hesitation.... around again in another big arc......a hesitation again...." For the present"..... and then another swinging loop over his head.... " For the Future!" and then he pointed the banner off in a direction which I couldn't see from my side of his tall sand dune.... In my head I heard the words that Dad used to use.... coming from this silent vision of a rider....." Go Forth"

Paul got all upset because my vision hadn't shown him where the man had pointed. He needed to see the destination...." big help " he snorted sort of dismissively. Of course later on in our project he called my contributions just so much " Mystical Bullsh#t" and the effort that he had put into my Dads biography just a " bag of empty shells".....Paul eventually quit.

But the vision remains strong with me.....There is so much power in it....and the direction is up to each one of us individually. GO FORTH! Linda