The Occult Symbolism of the 2012 Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Truth Vibrations

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The Occult Symbolism of the 2012 Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies
By VC | August 17th, 2012 |

Watched by almost a billion viewers across all five continents, the 2012 Olympic ceremonies were, for a few hours, the focal point of the world. As is the case for most high-profile media events, the world elite’s messages, symbols and agenda were part of the show. We’ll look at the occult symbolism of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics.


Olympic ceremonies are often among the most watched TV events on the planet. They are an exceptional chance for the host countries to showcase their greatness through a grandiose, elaborate and massive show. The 2012 London Olympics were no exception as England’s history, culture and accomplishments were thoroughly celebrated and applauded. Some moments were grand, others were funny; some were dark and even disturbing. Other moments were highly symbolic, reflecting the agenda of the occult elite. Given that London is one of the power capitals of the world, it would have been more surprising if the symbolism and philosophy of the global elite had not been infused throughout the ceremonies.

Mmore here:
They sure weren't trying to hide any of it were they? Blatantly obvious. And what I thought were just pyramids with the all-seeing eye in them, it would appear that they are Masonic symbols judging by this picture.

I didn't watch either the opening or the closing ceremonies. I barely even watched any of the Olympics at all. Every time, I tell myself, "it's rigged, I don't want to watch", and then I watch anyway, and the more I watch, the more I get angry and frustrated at how friggin rigged it is. And then I stop watching entirely. So, I see maybe 3 or 4 days events, on and off.

That flaming griffin is just creepy. I can't believe no one questions this s**t. Am I the only one bothered by this stuff? I KNOW that I'm not, but I have to ask.

It looks to me like they are just lording their power over everyone and rubbing it in their faces about how they are controlled masses, and no one gets it. They just think it's cool and a magnificent show.