Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funds Mosquito Release In Australia


Truth feeder
Leigh Dayton
The Australian
Jan 5, 2011

MOSQUITOES bearing bacteria will be let loose around Cairns today as part of a trial to rid the area of the insects that carry dengue fever, the Australian reported.

It’s day one of a 12-week field trial of the $18 million Eliminate Dengue program designed to reduce the mosquito population.

University of Queensland biologist Scott O’Neill said the trial involved introducing the Wolbachia bacterium into the Aedes aegypti mosquito population. There, it acts as a “vaccine” for the insect, protecting it from viruses, including dengue virus, and stopping transmission to people.

“By April, we should know if we are on the right track or not,” said Professor O’Neill, who is leading the international project.

Full article here
