fallen angels

  1. Truth Vibrations

    Planet X, Consciousness, & Comet Elenin, Coast to Coast Radio

  2. New UFO Hunter

    Some Recent UFOs (June 2011)

    1. UFO battles on video 2. Japanese, UFO Dubbed, Face of Death 3. VERY BIZARRE UFO FLEET OVER AUSTRALIA JUNE 3RD 2011 4. UFO Multiple activity over Melbourne Australia June 2nd 2011 5. UFO on the Sun SOHO STEREO Ahead June 2, 2011. 6. NV UFO - ZIG ZAG raw footage 7. ufo over head...
  3. J

    are aliens real ? .. if so do u tthink that we'll have E't disclosure?

    personally i dont think the usa Government or any other governments will announce such thing .. it will just cause Mass panic .but personally if the government doesn't say anythin... Et's will though . reason why i'm askin u this question, I'm just curious wot other people think about this...
  4. Denise

    Metatron on Christ-Mass And Changes Expected In The New Year

    December 24, 2010 Greetings, Beings of Light! This is Lord Metatron. It is a great Celebration remembering the Humble Birth of the Christ Child. We are all Christed Beings come here to release Earth from the stronghold of the dark Ones controlling the Many for the benefit of the Few. This was...
  5. New UFO Hunter

    Aliens at new orleans shipyard-must see

    There is also a coast interview Noory with Ken Klein, called Fallen angels and light beings. This is a shipyard in new orleans and something stinks about this. Video shows inter dimentional being on these ships. Is there a connection with this oil disaster? Even if there is no connection, its...
  6. day

    Enoch Book of the "Watchers"

    Enoch Book of the "Watchers" Part 1 of 7 Part 2 of 7
  7. Unhypnotized

    Coast to Coast - Video evidence of fallen angels. Ken Klein.


    Secret Societies

    The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all started thousands of years ago with the "Brotherhood of the Snake", a secret society that goes back all the way to the time of Garden of Eden. The Illuminati consider Lucifer being their God and the Old...
  9. R

    Will Obama confirm that there are aliens?

    Will Obama confirm that there are aliens? Monday, May 25, 2009 Group of experts on CNN requires disclosure aliens before May 31 In some articles, the last month has raised the expectation of the former American astronaut Edgar Mitchell (some times by mistake 'George', for which I apologize...
  10. R

    "Millions of Christians had UFO Experience ' Monday, March 16, 2009

    "Millions of Christians had UFO Experience ' Monday, March 16, 2009 Worldwide there are an estimated five million Christians an "experience" have had a UFO or aliens. The church let the people in the lurch, though pastoral counseling badly need. "The church does not know what they must...
  11. R

    Congress on Christian views on UFO's

    Congress on Christian views on UFO's Friday, March 13, 2009 A Christian organization that has years of study, as it describes itself, "biblical views on UFO's" organizes this year a major conference on the question of 'aliens' are fallen angels. Speakers include pastors of evangelical...
  12. R

    Are the titles of new cinema in coming months prophetic?

    Are the titles of new cinema in coming months prophetic? Monday, March 9, 2009 If you look at the titles (and content) of a number of new cinema in the coming months are given, there seems to be in the light of a number of topics on this site regularly discussed end, 2012, recording...
  13. R

    The Secret Covenant Filed under:NWO Control Chemtrails Drugs Fluoride Health

    The Secret Covenant Filed under:NWO Control Chemtrails Drugs Fluoride Health July 3, 2003 - 18:20 This text is copied from The Bankindex who claim NOT know who he or she is. The piece came in through one of theirr forms and the Author left an unusable e-mail address. Written by UNKNOWN...