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    Snowden: The NSA whistleblower on the run

    On Saturday, Barack Obama demanded Hong Kong government to extradite Washington’s wanted NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. In response, Chinese government lets Snowden to fly to Moscow on Sunday. Snowden is expected to leave Moscow for Cuba, Venezuela or possibly Ecuador. Equadorian ambassador...
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Bright shape changing UFO, Moscow

    Moscow again: closeups
  3. New UFO Hunter

    Now UFOs over Moscow? (7/2/2011)

    The last video appears to be Chinese Lanterns over Moscow:
  4. New UFO Hunter

    UFO and the black ball in Moscow

    UFO in Moscow on April 1 2011,37.7391...
  5. New UFO Hunter

    Bright Shape Shifting UFO, Moscow 18th January 2011

    Strange glow object, changing shape, color and bright. Video taken from window at 20th floor in Moscow.
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    Another UFO in Moscow

    The analysis of video"EXCLUSIVE!!!-UFO in Moscow on December,21st,2009 at 22:01" Video of Undefined Flying Object in Moscow in area"Falcon Mountain"(Sokolinaya Gora)on December,21st,2009 at 22:01(Moscow time) with analysis of this video. Youtube
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    Pyramid Over Kreml In Moscow 18thdec09

    Pyramid Over Kreml In Moscow 18thdec09 Most recent sighting. This sighting was made one DEC 8th.
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    UFO appears in the top center in Moscow

    UFO appears in the top center in Moscow Monday, May 4, 2009 In Moscow last month, they could hardly believe their eyes. A large number of witnesses suddenly saw a UFO above a shopping center circle. The images clearly show a saucer-shaped object. According ufologen steals the UFO at an...
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    The military-purpose satellite launched from Baikonur has been put into the planned o

    The military-purpose satellite launched from Baikonur has been put into the planned orbit ITAR-TASS. MOSCOW, February 28 (Itar-Tass) — The military-purpose satellite launched from Baikonur on Saturday has been put into the planned orbit. The Proton-K rocket launched from Baikonur cosmodrome...