
  1. Truth Vibrations

    NORAD Knows UFOs Are Alien

    Published on Mar 15, 2013 Michael Smith was an Air Traffic Controller with the Air Force in Oregon and, subsequently, in Michigan. At both of these facilities he and others witnessed UFOs tracked on radar and moving at extraordinary speeds. He also confirms that personnel were expected to...
  2. R

    9/11: The ‘Five views’

    Yesterday, marked the 11th anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks which brought down three World Trade Center buildings – two as result of hijacked commercial planes while the third (WTC-7) as a ‘divine miracle’. According to the ‘official story’, 19 Arab villians equipped with...
  3. New UFO Hunter

    UFOs Recorded Near NORAD in SW Colorado Springs

    Thursday, June 07, 2012 Strange Light formations in the skies near NORAD @ Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, CO. Taken on 6/4/12 around 8 pm
  4. Lady of Light

    F-15 fighter jet intercepts plane near Obama's Camp David location

    July 02, 2011 CAMP DAVID, Md. -- An F-15 fighter jet was scrambled Saturday to intercept a civilian plane flying near the Camp David presidential retreat where President Barack Obama is staying. The two-seat civilian plane, which had fallen out of radio communication, was intercepted...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Jesse Ventura Exposes 9/11 Stand Down Order

    New book, 63 Documents The Government Doesn’t Want You To Read, blows the lid off top secret black ops Steve Watson April 5, 2011 In a stunning new book, 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You To Read, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura presents a broad range...
  6. New UFO Hunter

    UFO expert confirms Fulhams UFO predictions..vid interview

    In an exclusive February 14, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, a Canadian UFO expert has disclosed his technical evaluation concluding that the three predictions of now deceased former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham of UFO displays over New York City on October 13, 2010, and who accurately...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Wikileaks Bombshell Points To 9/11 Stand Down

    Able Danger program confirmed hijackers were identified before attack, CIA allowed them to enter America Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Newly released Wikileaks documents concerning the activities of three Qatari men who conducted surveillance of the World...
  8. Truth Vibrations

    Drone crash in Texas under investigation

    The Orbiter Mini UAV is designed by Aeronoautics Defense Systems for military and homeland security operations. Federal authorities were investigating Friday the circumstances of a drone that crashed in El Paso, Texas, this week, which U.S. officials said originated in Mexico. Mexican...

    Pentagon: Mystery Contrail Spotted Off Calif. Coast Was No Missile

    The spectacular contrail spotted Monday off the coast of Los Angeles may have spurred widespread reports of a mystery missile launch, but Pentagon officials now say it was not a missile at all. CBS affiliate KCBS recorded video of the unusual contrail near sunset on Nov. 8, and early reports...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    United Nation - Mankind Is Poorly Prepared For Extraterrestrial UFO Disclosure

    A day after NORAD officer October 13th UFO display prediction, Golden Gate Bridge San Fransisco UFO display, Chinese Village disappearance after UFO sightings and Fox News New York UFO sighting. Today the director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) told media at UN...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts UFO Display on October 13, 2010

    View the article here
  12. Unhypnotized

    Downtown Toronto To Be Transformed Into Locked-Down Police State This Summer

    Free speech zones, airport style checkpoints and a huge holding facility prepared for G20 Summit Steve Watson Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 Preparations are underway for a massive show of force in Toronto this Summer as the G20 summit comes to town. Unprecedented levels of...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Joseph Andrew Stack Named As Plane Crash Pilot

    Man sets house on fire, crashes plane into Texas building: Report AFP Thursday, February 18, 2010 A Texas man set his house on fire, then stole a small plane and crashed it into a building containing a federal tax office Thursday, CNN reported citing federal officials. “This was apparently...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Red Alert: Intelligence Chiefs ?Certain? Their Bosses Will Stage Terror Attack Soon

    Dissatisfied with the botched efforts of underwear bomber patsy Umar Abdul Muttalab, military-industrial complex promises to try again Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Using information gleaned from the blatantly set-up underwear bomber patsy Umar Abdul...
  15. Unhypnotized

    The 90-Minute Stand Down on 9/11: Why Was the Secret Service?s Early Request for Figh

    911 Blogger December 21, 2009 Shortly after the second World Trade Center tower was hit, at 9:03 a.m. on September 11, 2001, an officer at Andrews Air Force Base, just outside Washington, DC, was notified that the Secret Service wanted fighter jets launched over the nation’s capital. It was...
  16. R

    JFK assassination: Secret Service Stand-down

    JFK assassination: Secret Service Stand-down Watch as the two secret service men assigned to protect president Kennedy's motorcade are ordered to stand down just minutes before entering Dealey Plaza. They are obviously not happy about being given these orders. It brings up another question...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Did Training Exercises Prevent Andrews Air Force Base From Responding to the 9/11 Att

    9/11 Blogger Tuesday, Oct 27th, 2009 Why did airplanes fly around for an hour and a half without interceptors being scrambled from Andrews [Air Force Base] … right next to the capital? - Paul Hellyer, Canadian minister of national defense, 1963-1967 Many aircraft at a military base just...
  18. Unhypnotized

    An open letter to Justice Edward Lehner on denying 9/11 justice

    Jerry Mazza Online Journal Wednesday, Oct 14th, 2009 Justice Lehner of the New York State Supreme Court: When did the call come to decide against this ballot initiative, or was it simply your own thought to rubberstamp Referee Louis Crespo’s recommendation that the decision to establish a...
  19. R

    NORAD to Conduct Exercise Over D.C. Area

    NORAD to Conduct Exercise Over D.C. Area July 23rd, 2009 in Breaking News NORAD to Conduct Exercise Over D.C. Area|ABC 7 News. WASHINGTON – The North American Aerospace Defense Command will conduct a one-day exercise in the Washington area. The exercise, called Falcon Virgo 09-10, will be...
  20. Rumas

    American Airlines Exposes Bush's Big Lie: Flight 11 DID NOT FLY on 911!

    Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will...