
  1. Amaterasu

    [Must Read!] Endia

    Endia by Amaterasu Solar 1-3-18 We built Her, Our AI dream, teaching Her what We wanted Her to learn. With quantum computing, and Our best programmers, We worked tirelessly for endless months, eager to bring a brilliant star to Our endeavors. Endia was to serve Us in controlling the masses...
  2. Amaterasu

    [Idea!] They Need Our Consent

    Many have wondered why the psychopaths in control on this planet tell Us - in subtle ways, of course - what They are going to do. The reason is that They need Our consent, outright or implied. They most often get implied consent because We do not say We DON'T consent. Of course... This is...
  3. White Rabbit

    Scientific community forced address public on 'chemtrails'

    Chemtrails are becoming so widely know the MSM is not running stories about it! PDF: 'Climates of suspicion: 'chemtrail' conspiracy narratives and the international politics of geoengineering" http://www.geoengineering-governance...uspicion-1.pdf In the Daily Mail...
  4. R

    EXILE – The Jewish Myth Unearthed

    “I long ago (starting in Hebrew school when I was 12) came to the conclusion that most if not all of Jewish “history” is mytho-history – not just the stories in Genesis et all, which were lifted from various cultures in and around the Fertile Crescent – from Uruk, Babylon, Assyria, Ninevah etc...
  5. 2

    I know I haven't been....

    Ironic isn't it? I know I wasn't posting much because of the greed that our local city officials have the disregard for it's residents. I'm sure the money they're saving on the wi-fi is probably going directly into their pockets, as well as little deals with Cable and At&T. I mean this isn't...
  6. R

    What Jews would like the new Pope to do

    As a former student at a Catholic Mission and an independent student of the Christianity in the West, I came to the conclusion long time ago that its leaders are judged not by how they serve their religion – but how they serves the state of Israel. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the Pope...
  7. 2

    [Attention] Death 0f America: Leaked US Army Document Outlines Plan for Re-Education Camps in America Video

    This is downright spooky, don't know if this is the reason for the "military preparedness exercises" that's been going on around the country, but perhaps they could be linked. Haven't seen this fpr myself anywhere else yet so I put it in this category. But it's definately spooky, to say the...
  8. 2

    [Warning!] IRS Gun Confiscation Bill Introduced In Congress H.R. 226, Citizens File 10 Articles Of Impeachment

    Looks like they're getting closer and closer to out right gun confinscation. Leave it to the IRS to get in on the financial end of things. Little by little in increments, as if they're slowing trying to kreep upon a wild animal and subdue it. Criminals know where the blcak market is they can...
  9. R

    Intel Chief honored for delaying US-Iran War

    Professor Thomas Fingar (Stanford University, California), former Director of the National Intelligence Council, will receive the annual Sam Adams award from Oxford Union on January 23, 2013. Dr. Fingar oversaw preparation of the landmark 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on the Islamic...
  10. 2

    [ALERT!] The WH Petition to Abandon 1st Amendment

    It seems more troublng news coming from the Sandy Hook incident aparently TPTB don't like the discussions we and I'm sure other sites are having regarding the incident. Looks like they're getting closer to what they want complete control over what we say and do. While it only has 27...
  11. 2

    [Must Read!] Apparently TPTB are trying to censor this story: Wonder Why?

    Here's a little piece of news that should be showed and shared before TPTB take care of it all together. I'll let you all decide if it 's true or untrue, being a political agnostic, I try to just report the story. (Sometimes I can't but this time I'm not a gun owner, but I do believe people here...
  12. R

    Bal Thackeray: ‘Hindutva leader admired Hitler and Israel’

    India’s top anti-Muslim Hindu communal leader, Shiv Sena Supremo Bal Thackeray, died on November 17, 2012 at the age 86. The news of his death was announced by Dr. Jalil Parker, a well known Muslim Pulmonologist from Lilavati hospital. Paker had been Thackerary’s family doctors for the last five...
  13. 2

    [Must Read!] False flag event soon? What do these things have in common?

    Secession Movement Explodes: White House Secede Petitions Reach 675,000 Signatures, 50-State Participation | Politics By Barracuda ALERT: Magnetometers Are Off The Hook! Possible Large Earthquake Coming Soon! | Alternative By Barracuda I didn't know whether to post this in current...
  14. R

    ‘Obama and Netanyahu agree on Iran’, Really!

    Israeli prime minister in his satirical speech at the UN General Assembly on September 27, indirectly admitted that he had failed to corner the first Jewish President Barack Obama, who is set to be re-elected – to attack Iran before the November 6 election. “I very much appreciate the...
  15. R

    California state bans criticism of Israel

    Last week, in another case of subservience to pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups – California state assembly passed a resolution which will shut-down freedom of speech at the state Campuses. The resolution, authored by Jewish Rep. Linda Halderman (R-Fresno) was co-signed by her 66 fellow congress...
  16. R

    600 Rabbis declare Obama ‘kosher’!

    The campaign to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama is becoming more ‘Jewish’ every passing day. Obama’s campaign office has just released a list which shows that nearly 600 Rabbis support Obama for re-election in November 2012. Ten of them happens to be among the Newsweek’s ’2012 America’s top top 50...
  17. 2

    [Attention] Could hurricane wreak havoc at Republican convention? Will it be Isaac?

    Well, Well. what do you all think of this? I hadn't even thought of this scenario, but it does seem very convenient for TPTB maybe, because I'm so not into the politics this time around. I'm kind of tired of the political stuff, (I know shame on me) this year and it just seems to be a dog and...
  18. R

    EU rejects Israeli demand to blacklist Hizbullah

    Last week, to my great surprise, the European Union (EU) turned down a request by Israel’s radical Jew foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman to blacklist Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizbullah as a terrorist organization after Israel’s latest false flage operation in Bulgaria. Read here and here and...
  19. K

    George P. Bush: A Political Dynasty's Young Hope

    George P. Bush: A Political Dynasty's Young Hope - Molly Ball - The Atlantic Well, isn't this just what we need? The others have been so good for the state of the nation that it just seems natural to keep a good thing rolling. Or then people could wise up. Please do so before there are...
  20. Amaterasu

    The Ethical Planetarian

    The Ethical Planetarian Party Platform by Amaterasu Have You tired of the empty promises of politicians? Have You seen the “divide and conquer” successes in everything from school teams to country identities? Do You want the planet to coexist? Perhaps You might consider the Ethical...