Mainstream French Newspaper Covers Toxic Climate Engineering Fallout

100th Monkey

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This is from David Icke web site:

Wednesday 1st October 2014 at 10:29 By david-icke


Filaments falling from the sky in chemtrails …


… Morgellons disease – filaments appearing through the skin and infesting the body.

Cause and effect.

'To understand their theory, you simply need to look up to the sky and observe. There's a good chance that you come across one of those "beautiful" white trails left by jet- planes.Conspiracy theory, reactors residues … Individuals and organizations are questioning the discovery of white filaments. A laboratory in Var (French southern region) reveals that these filaments are not natural …

As good Gauls, we still fear that the sky may fall on our heads. This fear is justified, if one refers to the opinion of some individuals and an association, the ACSEIPICA *.

These long trails which run across the sky – which are called chemtrails ** in English – would contain strange whitish and sticky filaments, "airborne filaments" which disperse in nature … or in your garden!'

These surprising discoveries on plants have attracted the worried attention of the people in the Var, as well as everywhere around France, who collected samples for analysis. At the lead you find the "AnAlytikA laboratory" in Cuers whose latest results on the composition of these mysterious filaments falling from the sky predict the worst in terms of public health.

Other scientists highlight the fact that condensation trails which can be observed at high altitudes of about 10,000 meters disappear quickly. While chemtrails appear at lower altitudes between 2,000 and 5,000 meters and disappear very slowly … Worrisome, indeed. (worrisome) To the point of constituting the subject of a "questioning" at the National Assembly by the end of year 2013.

In Cuers however people seem to stay away from the military-complex/governmental conspiracy theory which speaks of spraying desigbed for climate control, demographics control, or even "chemical warfare military researches" …

Yet some associations fear that we are the victims of risky experiences. A new X-Files season?

* Citizens Association for the Monitoring, Study and Information about the Programs of Atmospheric Climate Manipulations. ** Neologism built with the contraction of the English word "chemical trail" or "trail of chemicals."


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