
Truth feeder
Mike Adams
Natural News
November 6, 2009

It seems the financial bailout isn’t the only bailout happening on Wall Street these days. News has now leaked that investment firms Goldman Sachs and Citigroup both received preferential H1N1 swine flu vaccines even while local clinics that treat school children had no supply. The uproar is reminding the public just how much special treatment Wall Street banks get — both financially and medically — while everyday people are hung out to dry.


Not only that, but taxpayers got to foot the bill for those H1N1 vaccines handed to Wall Street insiders. It’s yet one more way in which the general public is being screwed over (yet again) by the swine flu vaccine agenda.

There’s one politically incorrect question in all this that’s just begging to be asked, and let’s assume for the moment that H1N1 vaccines actually work to save lives even though they don’t: If a dangerous viral pandemic sweeps through the nation, killing people left and right, are Wall Street investment bankers really the people we want to save first?

Seriously. Doesn’t it seem that school children should get the medicine first and Wall Street insiders should get it last?

The CDC claims that the vaccines sent to these Wall Street companies should have only been given to “high-risk people” who worked there. Sure they were, because we all know that Wall Street companies adhere to the highest standards of ethics, morality and civic responsibility. These people are shining examples of glorious human beings who always do the right thing, even if it requires giving up something for the benefit of someone else, right? And if they were on a sinking Titanic, they’d give up the life boats to the poor women and children, right?

But the real story here isn’t that H1N1 vaccines are now being preferentially given to the rich instead of the school children. The real story is that people are panicking to get their hands on a complete joke of a vaccine — a chemical cocktail that has never been subjected to even a single scientific test proving it actually works. People are lining up, in other words, to attain supply of something that’s totally useless.

The crumbling social fabric of America

At the same time, this fabricated emergency reveals to us the complete lack of ethics in the distribution of these vaccines to the Wall Street rich, even while everyday poor people stand in line waiting for their turn.

It’s yet another powerful commentary on the crumbling social fabric of America — a nation that puts its morally bankrupt money slingers as a higher priority than everyone else. It’s the Wall Streeters who get the trillion-dollar bailouts that the rest of us must someday pay out of our pockets. It’s the Wall Streeters who get preferential treatment by Washington. And it’s the Wall Streeters who are now getting the medicine that should be going to our children.

Of course, the medicine itself is a joke, too, but that’s beside the point: These people THINK the vaccines are valuable, so their decisions on where to send them first reveal their true intentions.

There’s a huge moral lesson in all this, by the way: Even those who get the H1N1 vaccine receive no benefit from it. People whose immune systems adaptively respond to the vaccine by building antibodies are the very people who could have done the same thing automatically in response to influenza exposure. Meanwhile, those with suppressed immune systems that are vulnerable to H1N1 have no ability to adaptively produce H1N1 antibodies anyway. In other words, even if you believe the H1N1 vaccine actually works, it only works on the people who don’t need it!

This is the ultimate comedy. People are desperately fighting over a chemical injection that will help no one. And the only reason they’re so desperate about it is because the hysteria has been entirely fabricated precisely to create irrational demand (http://www.naturalnews.com/027404_h…).

Maybe we should send all the vaccines to Wall Street anyway. Let everybody else stand outside, waiting in lines and soaking up a little sunshine so that their bodies create the only thing that will really save them from influenza in the first place: Vitamin D.

Or better yet, We the People should charge Wall Street for these vaccines we paid for. And the price? One trillion dollars.
