US Caught in Sarin Terror Plot

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
No surprises here:

US Congress deceived by sarin plot

“Israel, given AIPAC’s “warmongering,” has been seen by many as orchestrating, not just the “civil war” in Syria, but the false-flag gas attacks as well.”

Intelligence sources in Georgia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and here in the US have largely debunked the position Secretary of State Kerry insists upon supporting against Syria even though he and the president admit they have no actionable intelligence whatsoever.

A week ago, a US Air Force cargo plane left Charleston Air Force Base, home of Colonel Lindsey Graham, also “Senator” Lindsey Graham, one of the most powerful advocates for war against Syria (and Russia).

It landed in Tbilisi Airport, in the Republic of Georgia. There, it was loaded with what local sources indicate to be “ammunition from the Lugar Lab.”

Every aspect of this operation was observed, from South Carolina to Tbilisi.

On Monday, September 9, 2012, Richard Norland, the US Ambassador to Georgia and reputed former Moscow station chief for the CIA during the last days of the Soviet Union, visited the “Lugar” lab.

After reports on Russian television and in the Georgian press of “irregularities” including leaked emails tying the lab to chemical weapons used by Syrian rebels, Norland took a delegation of diplomats and dignitaries on a tour of the very recently “sanitized” facility.

Norland had left the embassy in Moscow and was Washington’s top “Soviet watcher” when one of the largest intelligence failures in history occurred, the August 1991 attempted coup against Gorbachev.

Our sources on this story carry US security clearances and are part of an unrelated mission in Georgia. Other sources in Georgia have been threatened, some have gone underground.

Bio-chem weapons network

The Lugar Lab, built by the United States, is a bio-chemical warfare research facility, funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The facility, previously called the “Central Reference Laboratory,” is similar to one constructed in Kazakhstan last year.

Funding and details on both facilities “went dark” quickly as overruns and participation by clandestine agencies were quite unrelated to any “threat reduction” role.

The management of the US-funded facility was turned over to Georgia’s version of the CIA, the Foreign Intelligence Special Service, whose head, Anna Zhvania along with Richard Norland managed the “facility sanitation” tour on Monday.

Official records show Zhvania as resigning as Georgia’s intelligence chief before taking over a “research lab.” Similarly, Norland’s cover as a diplomat has saved him from the ignominy of being cited as top policy maker for, quite perhaps, the most incompetent and corrupt intelligence agency in the world.

More challenges to Kerry’s version

Reports, with limited confirmation, detail how Al Nusra/Al Qaeda forces inside Syria had kidnapped children from occupied regions to use as “victims” of a staged false-flag attack meant to bring the US into the Syrian conflict.

Children were said to have been smothered and laid out to be photographed and filmed with video cameras. The scene was said to resemble the “Crisis Actor” operations the US Department of Homeland Security has staged, simulating terror attacks for training purposes.

By coincidence, these theatrical contracting firms have been on the scene of several real disasters, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Sandy Hook shootings and most infamously, the 7/7 London bomb attacks.

If these allegations are true, particularly this being the 12th anniversary of 9/11, an event no longer questioned by any rational individual as itself being a carefully orchestrated false-flag attack, the idea of murdering children for “political expedience” is totally plausible.

Competing intelligence operations?

There is mounting evidence that Syrian rebels were responsible for the August 2013 attacks:

· hacked emails citing US contracting firms in the planning and execution
· investigative journalists in Georgia
· Press TV reports from Turkey detailing WMD transit into Syria
· Turkey’s seizure of Sarin shipments to Al Nusra
· Statements made to FBI by Eric Haroon which led to his arrest, silence and press smears
· the arrest of a Turkish general in Aleppo two days ago
· videos of rebels using Sarin gas
· videos of rebel leaders admitting to the use of chemical weapons
· along with witness testimony and physical evidence submitted by Russia
Iran’s warnings to the US from March, outlining Sarin smuggling into Syria

A far better case can be made to support Russia’s position than that of the Obama White House.

Lying to Congress

In testimony before the House of Representatives yesterday, General Dempsey cited US policy as supporting “moderate forces” fighting the Assad government. However, his statement was made only moments after Secretary of State Kerry had told representatives that the US planned to “degrade” the fighting ability of the Syrian army.

The “elephant in the room” is the obvious fact that jihadist forces aligned with Al Qaeda would benefit most from US military support and that these same forces are currently trying to overthrow the US-supported government in Iraq.

Odd betrayal of Israel

There is another “elephant in the room.” Russian President Vladimir Putin indicated, should the US attack Syria, that Russia would supply the most advanced air defense systems in the world, not just to Syria but Iran as well.

We have been informed that a private understanding exists between Russia and Iran that would, should Iran be forced to respond to military threats, extend a Russian air defense “umbrella” over Iran.

Though Iran has not threatened to attack Israel, as wrongly reported widely in the press, their ability to do so without fear utterly changes the balance of power in the region.

Samson option

Israel has always held the Samson option, their ability to unleash nuclear war against Iran, even against the European Union or United States, as a keystone of their defense policy.

Israel’s air defense network, known as the Iron Dome, has proven to under-perform and requires AEGIS based US naval support to be credible.

Russian air defense systems are capable of defeating any possible Israeli nuclear threat and, in the process, leave Israel open to devastating conventional attack.

Israel, given AIPAC’s “warmongering,” has been seen by many as orchestrating, not just the “civil war” in Syria, but the false-flag gas attacks as well.

Some pundits excuse Israel entirely, blaming Saudi Arabia. However, as Saudi Arabia has no operational intelligence or clandestine capabilities in Turkey, Georgia or Iraq, this hypothesis not only fails but rings of “seeded” false intelligence.

Yet, considering Israel’s precarious position, something new for the masters of “game theory warfare,” someone has come to the “great chessboard” and clearly outclassed them.


In March of this year, US Army veteran Eric Haroon was arrested after posting videos showing him fighting inside Syria.

He has been charged with the bizarre crime of “using Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Many see the irony of arresting Haroon for following official US policy and using weapons identical to those the US supplies.

Moreover, few doubt that US Special Forces are not operating inside Syria.

What most think they know about Haroon is a lie. He has been attacked in the press, both “left” and “right” and charged with a bizarre crime to silence his real story.

Haroon came to the FBI in February, reporting that, while working as a CIA asset, he had been deceived into supplying Al Qaeda with sophisticated weapons.

Those weapons could be used in Iraq and probably are, but could also be used in terror attacks against any US facility. They may well have included air to ground missiles capable of downing US airliners.

The FBI arrested Haroon for admitting to using an RPG in Syria, though a CIA employee, in order to be able to block any possible testimony tying the US to Al Qaeda and to forces involved in terrorism inside Iraq. This is a classic legal ploy for silencing whistle-blowers.

Haroon was led to betray his country by the CIA or US contractors operating in Hatay Province, Turkey, and by the FBI, tasked with silencing him.

Elephant in the room

If the US is arming Al Qaeda in Syria, when did that relationship begin? Was bin Laden right, when in his last proven recorded interview in 2001 he said that those responsible for the 9/11 attacks were Americans?

All subsequent bin Laden statements have been debunked by the CIA though this fact was quickly suppressed by the media.

As we now have at least 200 members of Congress who are now openly considering White House complicity in false-flag terrorism using WMD’s in Syria, why is the consideration of an identical policy in 2001 continually termed “conspiracy theory?”

Intelligence containment failure

As of today, the “war on terror” is 12 years old. No rational member of the intelligence community has failed to consider and even accept the entire debacle as a neocon-driven plot to descend the world into anarchy and push a police state agenda to enable the world’s resources to be looted.

US military might, exactly as General Smedley Butler had warned us 80 years ago, has predictably operated as “enforcers” for global organized crime.

I cannot begin to express my personal disappointment that President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry, individuals I have supported, including financially, have proven themselves either unwilling or unable to protect and defend American freedoms.

Moreover, that I am joined in my opposition to US military involvement in Syria by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, notorious cheerleaders of the New World Order, I am also both cognizant and deeply challenged by the revelation that we have yet to plumb the depths of what may well be layers of conspiracy.

US Caught in Sarin Terror Plot | Veterans Today