Major Parts of World Ignored by U.S. TV News in 2013

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
This is disappeared quickly from other sites, just wanted to keep it safe here.

"WASHINGTON, Jan 11 2014 (IPS) - If people outside the United States are looking for answers why Americans often seem so clueless about the world outside their borders, they could start with what the three major U.S. television networks offered their viewers in the way of news during 2013.

Syria and celebrities dominated foreign coverage by ABC, NBC, and CBS – whose combined evening news broadcasts are the single most important media source of information about national and international events for most Americans. Vast portions of the globe went almost entirely ignored, according to the latest annual review by the authoritative Tyndall Report."

Major Parts of World Ignored by U.S. TV News in 2013 - Inter Press Service