Canadian Family Destroyed in Government Sex Abuse Cover-up


Truth feeder
09-03-2010 05:33 AM

'The above video was made by the wife of Wayne H Ackerman, of Canada. She was a German National that married Wayne, and should be entitled to all of the rights of Canadian citizenship. Instead, she, her husband, and her two children are literally fighting for their very lives.

Wayne is a "persona non-grata" in Canada for filing charges against the "Crown" that involved the frequent sexual and physical abuse he suffered after being admitted to Pine Ridge and Brookside Training schools.

According to the Court Affidavit, Wayne was sexually abused at Pine Ridge by 5 different male staff members, including the Headmaster,* on 30 separate occasions. He was also physically abused by staff at both schools. One of the beatings he endured broke his ribs, gave him two black eyes and other injuries. One of the staff members would "shock" Wayne using a cord plugged into an electrical outlet.

Wayne was raped, exposed to pornography, forced to sexually abuse others, and given alcohol. Pornographic pictures were also taken by the staff. He was repeatedly warned not to tell anyone, not even his parents, if he wanted to stay alive.'

Read more: Canadian Family Destroyed in Government Sex Abuse Cover-up