
Truth feeder

Jurriaan Maessen
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The life of Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld is littered with examples of weapons-trade, racketeering, bribery, plundering third world countries- and every other criminal activity under the sun. As a recently published book in the Netherlands reveals, the prince was also in the coup d’état business.

The publication ‘HRH: High Stakes at the Court of His Royal Highness‘ by historian Harry Veenendaal and journalist Jort Kelder reveals that Bilderberg-founder prince Bernhard in 1950 attempted to oust the democratically elected government of Indonesia and place himself at the head of the Islands as viceroy.

After careful investigation of both archived diaries of a court secretary and military police reports, the authors come to the conclusion that the prince coordinated the attempted coup d’état with the help of his cronies in the military. The trail of paper finally led the authors to multiple independently written statements from different sources confirming that the Bilderberg-founder had indeed set his sights on the islands, and for himself a coronation to become viceroy in the example of Lord Mountbatten’s viceroy-ship of India during the late 40s. A letter from the prince to general Douglas MacArthur, quoted in the book, reveals that Bernhard envisioned himself ruling over his feudal slaves as a genuine Napoleon.

Although by 1950 the former Dutch colony had already broken free from the stranglehold of colonialism, Bernhard and his buddies obviously desired another round of plunder, securing for themselves the rich natural resources embedded in the islands.

History would have it otherwise. The coup proved a miserable failure. But Bernhard, being a back-door power broker, would not relent. When he co-founded the Bilderberg group in 1954 he spun his web in such a way that the fat flies would be captured anyway. When the major Dutch captains of industry saw their interests in Indonesia under threat, they used their contacts with Bernhard at the annual Bilderberg meetings to secure them.

The prince learned his lesson after this failed attempt at overthrowing a government. Not by directly coordinating the violent overthrow nor leaving a clear trail would he accomplish such feats in the future. His Bilderberg adventures showed him that he should instead muster all willing governments and business-leaders towards an entangling alliance if the world government would be accomplished.

This is exactly what he labored towards in the next 40 to 50 years. Under the guise of environmentalism, the prince founded the 1001 club in 1970 with the aim of raising funds for the World Wildlife Fund (of which Bernhard was the first chairman, and top-eugenicist Julian Huxley was the founding father).

Now, with Copenhagen in full swing, we are seeing exactly what the elitist environmental movements have worked towards: the creation of a global Leviathan.

Not by openly routing nation-states would the global designs of the New World Order be accomplished (which would after all only incite uprisings and rebellion), but rather by sneaking in through the United Nations, World Bank and other tentacles of global governance.


