Benjamin Fulford, March 18, 2014

100th Monkey

New member
Cabal backs down after threat of blockade of cabal controlled countries

The high level brinkmanship surrounding the imminent collapse of the petro-dollar and the cabal behind it reached new levels in the past week, culminating with a BRICS ultimatum that "Oil, gas, food and other resources would cease being imported into both the US and NATO," unless they backed off on their Ukraine offensive, according to a Russian government source.

There were also threats made to shut down the US electricity grid with an Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon, as reported by Dick Cheney, or direct attacks on vulnerable parts of the grid, threatened by militia forces, unless the cabal backs down.

The cabal controlled military elements counter-acted with threats to release bio-weapons, shut down world air-traffic and otherwise cause trouble.

At that point, to prevent a spiral that would knock civilization out of kilter, cooler heads prevailed and attempts to reach a compromise over control of the petro-dollar and Euro systems are now being made, according to sources directly involved in the negotiations.

The rapidly evolving situation in the Ukraine, the threat of war on Qatar by Saudi Arabia as well as the vanished Malaysian airliner, as well as many other incidents, are all linked to these negotiations, multiple sources agree.

In the case of the Ukraine, a United Nations Approved international treaty signed by Russia, the US and NATO stipulates that...

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blogdog: Benjamin Fulford March 18, 2014 Cabal backs down after threat of blockade of cabal controlled countries

I find this part particularly interesting:
"Also, the mysterious source that recently warned this writer in advance of upcoming turmoil in Eastern Europe and of a planned attack on China (the Malaysian airliner disappearance) has contacted this writer to inform him that: "The UN confirmed this morning that we have just entered the Age of Aquarius in the Heavens and Virgo on Earth."

Virgo on Earth? What exactly does that mean?