Ben Fulford : 7-28-2014 Update

Truth Vibrations

New member
by benjamin
July 28, 2014
Notice to readers, this week marks the beginning of my annual one month break from the internet. For that reason, until the August 25th edition, reports will cover topics that are not time sensitive.

The Three Legged Crow is an ancient Japanese secret society based in Kyoto, Japan. The legend has it that a crow with three legs guided the first inhabitants to the Japanese archipelago. For this reason, the three legged crow is an important symbol in ancient Japanese Shinto.

The leaders of this secret society cover their faces in black masks before giving orders to Yakuza gangsters, politicians and others. In addition, people belonging to certain bloodlines associated with the Yatagarasu do not register their births with the government. They are also given a special education based on Tibetan Buddhism and esoteric Shinto.

This writer was taken to a Yatagarasu initiation ceremony that used to be reserved only for Emperors. The Japanese imperial family stopped attending these ceremonies after Japan became a colony in the Meiji era.

Everybody participating in the ceremony dressed in pure white kimonos. Only the presiding Shinto priest wore purple with his white. This is interesting because purple is the colour traditionally associated with Roman Emperors and Egyptian Pharaoh's. The members of the Japanese imperial family that this writer has met claim to be of Egyptian origin. More about that later but for now let us return to the ceremony.

The ceremony involved...

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Hipknowsys: Benjamin Fulford - July 28, 2014: Updated background briefing on thee Yatagarasu or Three Legged Crow Japanese secret society