Ben Fulford, September 2, 2014

Truth Vibrations

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China asked to stop financing US based Nazionist organized crime syndicate
Weekly geo-political news and analysis

Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was explained that rolling over the rogue US corporate governments' debts after its September 30th fiscal year end would finance a regime that plans to invade and partition China. It would also keep propping up a group of gangsters that is financing terror and mass murder around the world. The Chinese were also prolonging the suffering of the American people by keeping them addicted to snowballing foreign debt, he was told. The WDS told the agent said that if the Chinese government failed to act on this advice it would show they actually worked for the Nazionists. If that turns out to be the case, then China's 500 million "wandering people" (流民) would have to be....

Full Report:
Benjamin Fulford (September 2, 2014): China asked to stop financing US based Nazionist organized crime syndicate - El científico Juan