Benjamin Fulford, 12 January 2015

Truth Vibrations

New member
The fake Paris incident is aimed at taking down the house of Saud.
Posted by benjamin
January 12, 2015


The obviously faked

terror incident in Paris last week was clearly aimed at preparing public opinion in the West for an operation to take down the Saudi Arabian monarchy. The operation consisted of having a French magazine publish cartoons of a sort that would lead to a death penalty in Saudi Arabia and then faking the execution of the magazine’s staff. This serves to make the Western public aware and angry about the sort of thing the Saudi government does.

It is a fact the Saudi Monarchy has for years bankrolled and promoted and obscurantist, radical sect of Islam known as Wahhabism. They have also worked hand in glove with the Bush Nazi crime family for decades in their project to replace Western democracy with totalitarian dictatorship. This is a country where, if you are caught in an adulterous relationship, the punishment, to this day, is to have you buried up to the waist in the sand and then stoned to death. This is also a country where you can be arbitrarily killed by the ruling family for questioning their control of that country. When I was there I was advised that if I got in a traffic accident, I should pretend to be injured so that I would be taken to a hospital instead of a police station. If I ended up in a police station I might never come out, I was told. This family mafia country has been using their oil wealth to create armies of ignorant fanatics throughout the world.

So, to cut off financing for Islamo-fascists, beheading the Saudi regime would be a good place to start. Or at least that what seems to be going on in the minds of the people staging the events in Paris.
There is a deeper aspect to this story though.

The Saudis themselves represent a slave government controlled by elements of the P2 Freemason lodge who want to engineer a battle between Christianity and Islam in order to force them to become a single religion, or a one world religion controlled in secret by them. They created and financed Wahhabists and other fake Muslim extremist groups in order to create a boogey man for brainwashed Western militaries to attack. The end game is a world fascist dictatorship controlled by a small clique of inbred families. In this version, the Saudi royals are just pawns acting out the role of bad buys...

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