New from Kerry-Constitutional lawyer specializing in FDA law, Jonathan Emord



"Constitutional lawyer
specializing in food and drug law, Jonathan Emord, was recently on Coast-to-Coast AM where he talked about the FDA's raids on raw milk producers, and how FDA guidelines are eroding Americans' freedoms. He was joined during the third hour, by Karine Bouis-Towe and Laurie Cohen-Peters, both consumer leaders in the Farm Freedom Coalition. They described FDA raids/sting operations on an Amish dairy farmer in PA, and the company Rawesome in California. If dairy products are not pasteurized, the FDA considers them illegal. Yet, as Bouis-Towe pointed out, the pasteurization process kills off nutrients such as enzymes, minerals, and vitamins and makes no sense to force small farmers to use it, when they maintain hygienic farming practices, and have had no history of contamination. (taken from Jonathan Amord's website:"

This can be a Ought to Tune in, outs the pharmaceutical companies' wicked techniques.....