Benjamin Fulford, May 21, 2013

Truth Vibrations

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Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20130520: Signs of end game in Washington D.C. proliferate, end of cold war in North East Asia also coming

One of the most frustrating but necessary things for journalists is to hold information on embargo until a go ahead is given for publishing. This is one of those frustrating times. Embargoes are needed to ensure plans are not sabotaged and lives are not endangered.

However, there are enough hints available in the public domain for us to put some dots together. What is clear is that there is a lot of hysteria in Washington D.C. (IRS, Benghazi etc.) and London, England (pedophilia, gold market). It is also clear that for at least six months public statements by the US State Department repeated in the Zionist media have been regularly contradicted by the Pentagon. There are also proliferating signs of a breakdown in the financial system. All of this points to some sort of dramatic black swan incident soon. We will talk more about this below.

In Asia as well, secret negotiations with North Korea and among Asian powers are clearly preparations for a change in the post-war global power structure. The visit to North Korea last week by Isao Iijima, special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was a case in point. We got four different versions of what was talked about, two Japanese, one North Korean and one Chinese. Like the Sufi story of the blind men and the elephant (an elephant is big and flat, it is like a hose, it is like a tree trunk etc.) you need to piece the different versions together to figure out what is really going on. What the stories all agree upon though is that the visit was a best a fishing expedition, at worst a failure.

A source in the Japanese imperial family had the most interesting take...