Benjamin Fulford, 22 October 2013

Truth Vibrations

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Like a junkie selling family heirlooms the US corporate government buys time
Posted by benjamin
October 22, 2013

The US corporate government and the mafia families that own it managed to stave off default on October 17th by acting like a junkie selling family heirlooms to a pawnshop in order to buy a few more days’ worth of drugs. In one example, they sold a whole bunch of state of the art helicopters, including Blackhawks and Apaches to China for an undisclosed sum, according to Pentagon sources. Partial confirmation of this can be found here:

These same fascist families also sold a bunch of cruise missiles and cluster bombs to the totalitarian gulf monarchies.

Pentagon to sell bunker busters, cruise missiles to Gulf monarchies in $11bn deal ? RT News

The Rothschild branch of these families, for its part, worked out a deal where the Chinese would build French nuclear reactors of dubious safety and reliability in the UK, according to MI5 sources and news reports. The Chinese will also be paid double the going rate for energy produced by these reactors, according to MI5. That is a good sign the cabal got money from China now in exchange for a promise to pay them back by squeezing British energy users later.

At the same time, in Japan, the government slaves who run this country on behalf of the Western Sabbatean mafia families are in a state of panic, according to imperial family sources. One thing that has them spooked is the over 100 lawsuits going on claiming that the current Abe government stole the last general election, they said. The result is that the Freemasons in Japan, headed by a gentleman from India, have asked for peace negotiations with the Japanese patriotic groups struggling to liberate this country, the sources said.

Several female agents were sent to visit the White Dragon Society in the past week, each using the word “illuminati” in the very first sentence they spoke and claiming to either represent the Vatican, the current Japanese slave government or the government of China.

As this story was going to press, this writer received a phone call from a high level Japanese government source saying that the Dragon family had released funds in over 180 countries. They said one visible sign of this would be.

Ben Fulford