Chemtrail News - Reporting on a non-event



Molecular Terrorism By Mycoplasm - Genetically Engineered Stealth Microbes May Be The Source Of Your Health Problems
source: by Gary Tunsky / Crusador Newsletter / Portland IndyMedia
You wake up dead tired. You feel like you've been hit by a truck. Sleep becomes sporadic, if at all. When sound sleep occurs, the restoration of energy is minimal causing you to meticulously save your energy like a miser hoards gold. If you force yourself into activities beyond the scope of your normal daily chores, you pay a heavy price. A possible consequence is being bedridden for days. You have trouble concentrating. Short-term memory losses make you feel like you're trapped in a brain fog. You have unexplained muscle aches and joint pains like a never-ending flu. Your spouse and family don't understand this new metamorphic change in you, going from active and bubbly to sick and decrepit in the prime of your life almost overnight. Your social life has disintegrated and once close friends are slowly drifting away because the monotonous explanation that you're too tired to see a movie or go out to dinner has waned thin. Your taking an abundance of sick time and your boss is starting to question your sanity. Nobody understands. Nobody believes. Nobody offers help. Well, almost nobody...