
  1. 100th Monkey

    Aerosol research manager explains chemtrails

    The Met Office (originally an abbreviation for Meteorological Office, but now the official name in itself), is the United Kingdom's national weather service, and a trading fund of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Presents: Jim Haywood (aerosol research manager) to explain...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Dutchsinse & Adam Kokesh - 21 February 2013 ChemTruthers eXposing Aerosol Crimes & HAARP
  3. Lady of Light

    Pentagon Alter DNA via FunVax Vaccinations And CHEMTRAILS Aerosol Spraying

    Government Alter DNA via FunVax Vaccinations And CHEMTRAILS Aerosol Squirting Pretty fascinating short video most likely shot clandestinely in the Government briefing
  4. Unhypnotized

    Aerosol Crimes [Clifford E. Carnicom] - 5 years of research on chemtrails

    This is to date the best documentary I've ever seen on chemtrails, and I have not seen it posted here so I wanted to share it with you. Aerosol Crimes 1st Edition

    Chemtrails 2009 Chemtrails HAARP Under Chemtrails Control , Chemtrail Proof, Aerosol

    Chemtrails 2009 Chemtrails HAARP Under Chemtrails Control , Chemtrail Proof, Aerosol Clouds