
  1. Denise

    The Nature of Angelics & Light Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn 12/19/2011

    The Nature of Angelics & Light Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so...
  2. Denise

    Archangel Gabriel: The 12:12 Alignment ~ Full Force of the Angelic Dimensions

    December 4, 2011 Dear Ones, The 12:12 Alignment on December 12, 2011 will bring the full force of the Angelic Dimensions into assistance. From this realm there is clarity about your Soul capacity to receive, as well as your readiness for the integration of the highest frequencies yet...
  3. Denise

    "The Divine Man"~ Archangel Metatron ~ Ute

    Greetings to all of you who are already consciously participating in the ascension process of Gaia and yourself, the united human body of which you are part of. Silently I bless all those still asleep, all those cells and points of consciousness, although still of dim light and not yet aware...
  4. Denise

    Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Love Received by Marlene Swetlishoff

    December 8, 2011 Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love known as anticipation. This quality employs a happy feeling of the receiving of something wonderful and that this is just around the corner and ready to manifest for you in your life. This feeling of...
  5. Denise

    Ark of Covenant 'To Be Revealed' After Leaking Roof In Ethiopian Chapel

    Will this be the first time the world sees the Ark of Covenant? Leaking roof in Ethiopian chapel 'will lead to relic being revealed'Ark contains Ten Commandments God 'gave' to Moses on Mount Sinai One holy monk is the only person allowed to see the holy box.but he'll need a hand carrying metre...

    Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 10 : Blink

    Oh, my, god! This has got to be the best episode of Doctor Who ever made to date! "Don't even blink!" Although the creepiest episode, it makes me laugh at the defense these angels have. Ooh, they send you back in time, sooo scary. Ok, they are scary if you see them not in the standard weeping...
  7. Denise

    Archangel Gabriel: Living Life in Thanksgiving Received by Shanta Gabriel November 21

    Dear Ones, Gratitude is an attitude that can profoundly change your consciousness. When you live your life in thanksgiving, it can affect your being at a biological level, training your mind and body to live in a higher state of health and wellbeing. The creation of new attitudes of...
  8. Denise

    AA Gabriel: The Quality of Love Known as Surrender Received by Marlene Swetlishoff

    November 17, 2011 Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of Love known as surrender. This quality entails the letting go of egoic justifications about how a situation should be and instead, allowing your higher power to take over the unfolding of this...
  9. Denise

    Message from Melchizedek Received by Marlene Swetlishoff November 15, 2011

    Beloved Ones, In this discourse I wish to discuss the opportunities that now lie before each of you. In the aftermath of the 11-11-11 portal opening, know that Humanity has now set the field, the new template for the Earth that will now begin to blossom forth in many diverse and wondrous...
  10. Denise

    Sun Gazing: Why I Stare At the Sun

    PLEASE NOTE: This sungazing information is for educational purposes only. We do not recommend sungazing to anyone. If you are considering sun gazing, please research this as much as possible. Sun Gazing: Why I Stare at the Sun Sun gazing. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? Doctor’s warn you about how...
  11. Denise

    Hilarion's Weekly Message: October 16-23, 2011 Received by Marlene Swetlishoff

    Beloved Ones, The focus for the coming days is to continue to stay grounded, alert and calm. Let the energies flow through you into the core of the Earth and back up to the Great Central Sun in a continuous and benevolent flow. Allow yourselves to release whatever remnants still remain for...
  12. Denise

    Saul ~ This Explosion of Love Among Humans Worldwide is Remarkable ~ John Smallman

    Your progress toward awakening is accelerating as you approach that momentous event, and almost everyone is feeling restless while at the same time experiencing a strong sense of expectation. You are feeling the approach of the moment of your awakening. It does feel strange, uncertain, even...
  13. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ We Are Now Authorized to Decloak and Initiate Mass Contact ~ Laura Tyco

    Posted on October 11, 2011 by Laura Tyco Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. With a few online friends, today, we were wondering about the situation in Fukushima at the moment. It is difficult to make sense of the various sources, and who to trust? We wonder if you could tell us anything about the...
  14. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Your World is Planning a Grand Event ~ October 4, 2011

    13 Caban, 10 Tzotz, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world is moving swiftly to the magic point where those in power discover that truly “The center will not hold” (to quote one of your poets), and their relentless defiance of the Earth allies has reached the much-awaited breaking-point...
  15. CASPER

    Bride of the New Dawn

    She appears to be recognized as herself and not herself, new because endlessly recycled, not what she was but not what she will be—see? Not married and not not married, the processional's a ritual meant to extend a magical present, until the head of this pin is the size of a rented hall and all...
  16. Denise

    Archangel Michael ~ Seeking the Light of the Intellect ~ Ronna Herman

    Beloved masters, there is an ebb and flow rhythm in the ascension process. You will experience a period of intense activity created by challenging and mind-expanding experiences, followed by a desire to turn inward and a need for contemplation and solitude. You are striving to develop a strong...
  17. New UFO Hunter

    Angel like Alien Falls To Earth On Live Security Cam, Jakarta, Indonesia, Sept 2011,

    I dont know if this was staged or CGI maybe the experts on here can give their opinion.Fake or not its woth a viewing Date of sighting: September 11, 2011 Location of sighting: South Jakarta, Indonesia Earlier this month, an angel was caught on a closed circuit television (CCTV)...
  18. Denise

    Wanderer of the Skies ~ Finalized Plans for Disclosure ~ September 27, 2011

    Greetings from the Galactic Federation:

 We come again to bring more news to you in these days leading up to Disclosure. We have often talked about what is occurring on your world behind the scenes. Today, we wish to primarily discuss what is happening here, with us, at the Federation.

  19. New UFO Hunter

    Karla Turner UFO Abduction -The-Secret Agenda (1993)

    Filmed in 1993 the late Dr. Karla Turner, reseacher of UFO and military abductions, discusses her findings after years of personal experience and working closely with many abductees. Her conclusions, reported in her works "Taken" and "Masquerade of Angels," are some of the most important to hear...
  20. Truth Vibrations

    Planet X, Consciousness, & Comet Elenin, Coast to Coast Radio
