
  1. White Rabbit

    Ghost appears in window of house in Ohio

    This is a picture taken of a house in Ravenna Ohio. It seems to be showing a face of a little girl looking out a window. Source: Ghost appears in window: Lu Ann Sicuro experiences strange, frightening activity in Ravenna home
  2. Denise

    Ann Richards on Veritas

    I discovered this website and didn't find it anywhere on this community forum: This is enjoyable as Ann Richards claims her husband is really a space pilot and discusses what he did, aliens and so forth. Unsurprisingly her husband is locked up in prison to keep his lips sealed: Part 1 of 5...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Ann Coulter tells O’Reilly: Radiation is ‘good for you’

    David Edwards Raw Story Friday, March 18, 2011 Conservative columnist Ann Coulter joined Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly Thursday night to discuss her new piece titled “A Glowing Report on Radiation.” “At some level–much higher than the minimums set by the U.S. government–radiation is good for you,”...